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Everything posted by rudra

  1. donator rank on forum

    Try relogging in-game, now that you're verified on the forums.
  2. More forum and in-game links, such as "maxed" ranks on the forums etc, possibly things like PIPs for ranks. Maybe reward players who are posting meaningful topics and helping other users on the forums, much like we would for top voters etc.
  3. donator rank on forum

    You need to verify your forum account by checking your emails for a verification email. You will then receive your rank automatically.
  4. 3 DAYS 3 SIGILS

    Bank made.
  5. Alpha Art GFX

    Spoke to David, he's cool with everything, as Diz said.
  6. dh needs nerf

    Do it, Dharok's doesn't seem to work like 07 at all.

    the guys to beat.
  8. Pure pking has to be more active.

    gmaul killed pure pking.
  9. different gear for newcomers?

    It all comes down to whether they know how to PK. If they can, the gear you give them at the start doesn't matter, however if everyone who joined was giving a dharok sets, there would be way more negatives than positives in regards to the eco. The bad new pkers will still die, and would just release another dh set into the eco.
  10. dh needs nerf

    The hits are way too consistent, it's hard not to safe vs a dher, you're almost guaranteed to die if you and your opponent are at around 60 hp. He can one hit you at anytime.
  11. Donator island ideas.

    Shops with discounted prices on some items might be cool to see, perhaps seasonal items which could be purchased for blood money and rotate in and out of the shop. Other items like skilling outfits could also be sold there.
  12. Corp Slayer

    There are solutions to every problem being mentioned. If you want the massive reward, you're going to have to risk dying a few times getting there. When it comes to slayer, just turn elite tasks off, or block the annoying ones which are camped by clans? I agree it's annoying, but people find different things fun.
  13. Hey everyone!

    Welcome to the forums my man.
  14. Skilling Suggestions

    Would love to see more love come skillings way.
  15. Events for Oceania

    Support, his timezone is probably something along the lines of UTC+8/930
  16. Dump Well

    Ahh I see what you're saying, a community reward, not just a reward for certain individuals. Well I support that.
  17. Corp Slayer

    clans gonna clan.
  18. Inspired by Cata

    If you wanna PM me them on discord I'll get them to David asap.
  19. Dump Well

    That's not really a fair reward in my opinion.
  20. Inspired by Cata

    NGL the Old School SS peak day forums were the best ever.
  21. Inspired by Cata

    I agree. I'm a Forum Moderator, that's my priority, I have the rank in-game to make things simpler. I personally would love to see PIPs and other ranks pertaining to in-game. I'd single-handedly deal with all spam if I had to, however I know this won't be the case. I don't see what we're waiting for.
  22. Inspired by Cata

    Feeling like I was making progression via the forums is the reason I got into using them so actively.
  23. Inspired by Cata

    Your opinion is fine, but considering the poll, it’s something David should be looking into.
  24. Forums Suggestion

    Thank you Hp, locked.
  25. The Gambino Crime Family

    Best of luck.