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2 Neutral

About IlIIlIIIlIlI

  1. the violation of bozos 1.0

    I'm begging this is a meme. Pic spec chances. Just awkward. (FuckGeorgeD)
  2. State of legion

    That was directed at us but didn't include a single kill on us
  3. State of legion

    Tbh, they uploaded a video of killing 2 people directed at us, they killed none of us, the showed misery and iiillliii... So idek what the fuck they're doing with their life anymore.
  4. Best Multi/Single CC!! #RA

    #ra, i don't play RW but still. 5.554/10.73 retires
  5. Mini Server War - Saradomin VS Zamorak

    #Teamsara Got my godcape back ;s