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Sunny D

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About Sunny D


    I’m pretty sure I have plenty files of screenshots of you begging scamming AOTEAROA for his giveaways using alts @Davidthis guy talos aka crazyxpker aka lhi aka I lord Tal0s aka Teamsolopker was banned from other servers for rwting and player hacking if you need any further proof I have screenshots he literally is the one who uses alt YouTube’s and showed many people how to do it and encouraged others to do it for the “easy rebuild” he calls it he gets on discord beats his girlfriend infront of everyone and I have 3-4 people who can step up and even staff members and his own “friends” will say he’s a fake rat I have people like gamble baked , karishma, oaq and gretar his self will tell you this kids a rat and he’s the one showing people how to mini Pilates and use alt accounts his YouTube name is tonyyboy , Anthony Sanchez , teamsolopker, and much more he uses them and teaches others how to use them to take advantage you can check his trade logs and he will be exposed he used alts in aoTearoa streams to win multiple billions on your server then real world trade it by doing gambles to not ge to caught up with some “loxio” guy thanks that’s all.