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About HellaMexican

  1. Cant Color Blade of Saeldor

    How do you corrupt it? Do i just use crystal shard on it?
  2. Cant Color Blade of Saeldor

    Hello! I read on the lates update that you could color the Blade of saeldor by using the Crystal weapon ornament kit on it . Whenever I try and do it nothing happens; can someone tell me if there is anything specific I should do? I know the blade low key isnt that good but I like it lol so would love some help
  3. How do you make a ring of wealth?

    ahh thank you
  4. Hey everyone; just started an account and its been fun. Wanted to make my own ring of wealth instead of buying one from the trading post. I got the right crafting level and materials but when i try and make it happen I dont get the option. It only allows me to make a gold ring. It does allow me to make other types of rings though.