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Showing most liked content on 10/14/2018 in Posts

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    *My proposal for a last second Halloween event would help implement the long overdue master clue reward sets, or Halloween Costumes! Talk to the Grim Reaper on his throne smack dab in the middle of Edgeville with a Icon. Upon speaking to he'll tell you how there's so many evil spirits this year and he's having trouble collecting them all by himself. He will ask for your help in collecting souls and that you'll be rewarded with the best Halloween Costume's surely to win any costume contest, scare any human, and unleash your Halloween spirit! First Idea, For this event you will be required to Kill and collect Jar of Soul's from bosses within the Wilderness. Each boss drops a different Jar containing it's soul. Once you've collected all the souls you can redeem them at the Grim Reaper for a costume of your choice. So in order to collect all 4 sets of Costumes you must kill each of the 7 Bosses in the wilderness 4 Times. Also a Mystery Box for participating in the event. Second Idea, After speaking with the Grim Reaper and starting the event Jar Of Soul drops will be enabled and obtained from killing player's in the wilderness. Each piece could cost 5 Jars of souls, (25 Kills a set, and there's 4 sets = 100 Kills performed by a player). Also a Mystery box for participating in the event. REWARDS:
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