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  4. Applesauce introduction

    Welcome to Runewild!
  5. Last week
  6. Applesauce introduction

  7. Applesauce introduction

    Welcome to RuneWild brother Good luck on the collection log + enjoy travelling my man.


    manos este cc esta bello
  10. KARMA RT

    mano como esta este cc tan bello
  11. KARMA RT

  12. Applesauce introduction

    Welcome and enjoy ur stay !
  13. Applesauce introduction

    Hello everyone i've been playing for around 2 months now and really enjoy this server but i think my account is several years old I found that RuneWild's pk scene is more alive than any other servers working on collection log right now and having fun sometimes i travel between the usa and the phlippines, currently finishing my bachelors in programming. thanks for reading
  14. KARMA RT

    what a name
  15. KARMA RT

    https://discord.com/invite/9JEqMXYQ5K Join to the OFFICIAL discord KARMA RT
  16. Corporeal beast Finally Showing Love!

    I'm soo spoooned, I'm so stoked. love ya nice vid :3
  17. Ring Of Wealth picks up coins

    Cheers for suggesting @Crafters32 However, if I understand correctly, you want the Ring of Coins to pick up coins? In my opinion, this would negate the purpose and benefits of donations. The Servant is acquired when you reach the "Royal" rank, which costs $10,000, and honestly, that makes sense. Having it this way would only benefit and support the server, as it is highly beneficial for Ironman players. Every Ironman player is striving to achieve this rank or higher.
  18. Ring Of Wealth picks up coins

    bump, come on guys im only thinking of all the pvmers in the catacombs or crystal dungeon or off slaying

    Cheers broskies ❤️
  20. Corporeal beast Finally Showing Love!

    Another great episode ! Keep it up man. Nice to see a whole series from 0 gp to this !
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