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Showing most liked content on 07/24/2022 in Posts

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    Punx Seabass Staff Application. What's your in-game username? - What's your playtime? Punx Seabss - 8 days 15 hours What is your time zone? - UK, England. UTC +1 What is your play time? - OSRS 2005/09 and again from 2020-2022. -- RSPS, 2006/2011, and again now for 2 weeks after time away (this is the first rsps since 2009) Tell us a little about your gaming history. - I Hold my self to a very high Standard, while being Diplomatic I also like to find a compromise. (not everyone can win, so to help everyone, I'm happy to be at a loss.) I Have found I've been able to earn myself "MOD" Status everywhere I go, (When I use to play the pre RS3 RSPS) most importantly from "Enkrona v3." While I'm out of touch with RSPS, I'm Not out of touch from helping and problem solving among everyday life and players in OSRS/RSPS, I Take Pride in such things, puts a smile on my face. There is more than a few players I can list that are constantly in the "HELP" cc, along with "MERCY" & "UNITY" cc. this server is lacking Recognition for the players that enjoy it more than expected. Players go above and beyond to help a new player, The players in game, are noticed. by the staff? Extremely unlikely. - You (Dave) Your fan base is limited to the players, We've all seen a huge lack of staff presence. We need more. To Let us all know we are not being Ignored, and to feel "CONNECTED" to not just the server, but the mods and admins/owner. (we all know how nuts the player base goes when mods/admins/owner Logs in.) Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - I'm going to tell it how it is. the staff here are shite. Yes I said it.. SHITE. (I've met 2 or 3 MODS that actually play and help, and they are saints!) I'm fully aware there is staff that have been here since day 1. *Takes off hat and nods head.* I feel like there's so much more the staff could be doing, instead of "we are doing everything we can".. That's a poor excuse. you, I, We, could always be doing something more. This Server generates money so You (David) need people to make sure it runs smoothly, and Efficiently. - While id like to drown out toxicity, The Racism I've Seen is ugly. The toxic behaviour I've seen among the PK accounts.. (yes this is expected) is unreal. I've also seen players what I'm going to call "bug exploit", I'm yet to understand how. mostly among the DH pkers. 1 hit and a spec. instantly dead.. Id also like to Join the team not only because id like to share my fresh idea's, but I feel like I can pick up where other mods Don't/wont. I'm not asking to be paid, (no one should) I'm asking for an escape where people can be happy away from the troubles real life give us all. After all, we escaped to OSRS, AND found our way here. Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here: My name is Nathan, Or Nate for short, I'm 28 years old from England UK. I am a mature family orientated guy that isn't easily offended, loves a laugh, and will draw the line where it need be. Id like to suggest a few things as of now.. 1) A "SPY" team, this being players.. LIKE Mods, these accounts cannot attack or be killed, cannot trade and cannot bank. these are used to interact with players suspected of botting. providing evidence of an unresponsive player. every hour or so try to engage with "suspected bot" and with no prevail, provide screenshots, provide time stamps. and more to help prove botting. 2) "HELPFUL PLAYERS" Again, You've been able to add a $ sign to those that donate, to why not add one for the players that are "helpful" when the MODS, are not online. like a help desk, leaving the real issues for MODS to deal with? 3) Id also like to suggest a rework of the "DONATOR" bits, the perks don't match the irl cash and I feel like You, DAVID, could be earning a lot more from the sever that what you are. but that's for another day. I Hugely appreciate everyone that's taken the time to read this. I've noticed the Forums don't often get checked or looked at, everything is on discord... you'll find everything at ::discord apparently. EDIT: Now I understand exactly WHY, its recommended to have "30 days" game play time on the server.
  2. 1 like
    well organized app, lots of stuff added. GOODLUCK