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Showing most liked content on 08/01/2022 in Posts

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    What's your in-game username? - Shade x What is your timezone? - BST (GMT+1) What is your playtime? - 9 Days, 15 hours Tell us a little about your gaming history. - I've played OSRS and RSPS' for the past 20 years or so, I've had a few half decent staff positions on some of the older RSPS (Alora, Near Reality, OS-Rune). I used to play Destiny at a competitive level. I ran a Guild on WOW with a core raiding team on a strict schedule, Pushing for realm firsts and competing in Worlds first (not that we ever got close to W First). Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - I feel that I would be a great addition to the current staff team with my Game knowledge and commitment to climbing the HCIM Ranks I'm online the majority of the day. I see a gap in the UK Morning time where we're without any Staff in-game unfortunately and that's my peak time to be online. My previous Staff team experience will definitely come in handy with the big player base we have, I enjoy problem solving and helping out as much as possible. I've spent a fair amount of time helping over Yell and in the "Help" cc (When I'm not in "Unity"), I don't necessarily need a rank to be able to continue it would just be nice for my efforts to not go unnoticed. I am also able to connect with the Venezuelan community on Runewild, with the majority of them PMing me asking for me to use a translator for general chit-chat and for any questions they have Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here: I wasn't too sure whether to apply but a few people told me it might be a good idea. I haven't been staff on a RSPS in a while but it's something I pick up easily and feel I can fit into the current staff team pretty well. I'm great at building relationships with new people and feel like I would definitely excel and thrive in the current team. I hope you take my application into deep consideration. All constructive criticism accepted