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Everything posted by Vayne

  1. Make the achievement cape worth it

    I like this Idea, the current reward for spending what will literally take 100's of hours to complete is shit. Buffing the cape would be nice.
  2. Ratlords weekend out - 1

    body bagged
  3. Xer's Introduction

    Welcome my g
  4. Change Username

    This was a while a go but I messaged David on Discord and he was able to change my name for me. Not sure if he still does it though as server was smaller then.
  5. stop using your mod rank to boost your hits my dude damn, that's some insanity. Nice one though ign - Tiki
  6. Pretty sure that's considered RWT and therefore bankable. Also why are you bumping you're thread after 10 minutes?
  7. Gambling NPC

    Nope. If you can't wait an hour or so for someone to gamble then you shouldn't be gambling at all.
  8. RIng of wealth (enchanted/i) collecting coins

    Needs to have some extra requirement otherwise it'll be too overpowered. Something Like Rudra's donator suggestion makes more sense.
  9. rng in pking

    I can say whatever I like, it's a discussion. And I think the combat system is fine and the way you describe it is not at all true.
  10. Pures vs Zerks,voiders

    Don't support this. People should be able to build their account in any manner they want in order to get kills. If you can't compete with the berserkers and voiders then maybe adapt your build?
  11. rng in pking

    This hurts my brain.
  12. TAY K's Graphics | Letric Designs

    cool beans
  13. Falador Party Room

    I like it lad, nice suggestion
  14. Slayer Best xp/h Guide

    awesome guide bro, worth noting you can unlock elite (boss) tasks at level 80 though, not 90
  15. Pk video :)

    nice one, still dislike you for cleaning me though
  16. Trading post suggestion

    I like the idea of being able to see recent items put up for sale in the trading post. The putting in a buy offer one is a but much to ask though as it takes a lot of time.
  17. Streaming rank

    Just change the current youtube rank to a media rank and include anyone who makes content
  18. Major suggestions via Forums

    Sounds gucci to me
  19. Gamble Limit Alternative

    I understand why you have the limits in place, however they can often be frustrating for some players. With this in mind perhaps it's worth considering an optional gamble ban. The would involve the player talking to an NPC or something who could disable that account and any other on the same IP gambling through the duel arena or dicing. The ban would not be permanent but rather last around 5-8 days. The ban can be resumed at the same NPC should the player want to. This would mean that if a player has built up a bank through gambling or other means, but are not confident in their ability to control themselves, they can ban themselves and enjoy the game with their wealth. It would also mean that if a player has a little bit of throwaway cash that they are not fussed over they can stake that without the limit getting in the way. I'd appreciate opinions on this as aside from moderators I've not really seen much support for the current gamble limit system.

    Germany, not quite as strong as they were but I like my odds
  21. Legion pk vid #4

  22. RUNE-WILD | Dharoks Pking | Brouse

    sick bro, hope to see some more