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Everything posted by kegan

  1. Vorkath

    A player who just started isnt making 50m per hour slaying... tent and rune isnt that op lol

    well currently bgs drains 100% of dmg delt from prayer and yet these demon gorillas are still camping overheads
  3. Vorkath

    this will completely kill off new players. as if every boss in the game being camped by a multi clan does not kill off new players as is this deff will. currently if your not the first 5 to vork you have 0 chance to get loot from vork as 15 gambini's just bolt rag anyone there. same for every boss as they are all in wild. you can not expect a game to grow when you make it harder and harder for new players and all content revolves around multi combat wild and you can not even drop combat lvs to avoid them as you can not atk vork unless your 126... 90% of the game is lock behind multi zones and a 50 man bolt rag team.... but yes im sure new players love doing 1 of 2 money making methods only.... edge pking i mean after all why would a new player want to make more than like 10m bm an hour by pvming also you removed loot treasure chests from achievements for weekly and daily due to it being "hard" when 24 spawn in a day and back then half of them only had 1 person at them to compete with, but we still have the kill 2 vork task which 1: means u need to be on 3-4 hours realistically and 2: unless you have tbow and get there first you will never get a kill with the 15+ bolt raggers camping every vork so why is this achieve still around?
  4. Corp Solo Guide (After Tbow Nerf)

    finishing with 1 brew left i would assume so as without is 15-30%less dpm
  5. maybe add a "wild area" in donor zone with some wildy bosses have it be 100 wild and like 4 mini map tank to safe zone. this way donors can sstill do slayer but there is also stil a risk associated with it. as new nondonors are normally the ones ragging pvmers and spam suiciding. maybe a 2nd corp?
  6. Corp Solo Guide (After Tbow Nerf)

    im surprised u like armadyl over karils as arma has - atk bonus karils does not. seem to make a difference?
  7. dh needs nerf

    you have to keepin mind dh axe has high str bonus. just an axe alone with basic gear can hit a 50.... so yeh its kinda dumb that 65 hp axe can hit a 67ish, but at the same time thats only 17 higher than 99-121 hp axe lol. the annoying part is 38 hp can hit a 77-80.... and 1 hp with good str can hit a 100-101 which i question
  8. Corp Slayer

    Is kinda disappointing knowing you cant even train slayer or boss because 80% of tasks are camped in wild by clan and all bosses are the same. Really discourages new players
  9. Dump Well

    Chest spawns every hour. Everyone has the ability to try to get the chest just like every player has a chance to kill vork the exception tho is its much easier to make an hourly event than it is an every 2 hour event. Example you only have 40 minutes to play the you g2g for an hour and then only have 1.5 hrs. You have the ability to never see a vork but you will see atleast 1 chest
  10. Dump Well

    vork spawns every 2 hours and you need 100 kills for achieve. not every1 can be on when vork spawns. this would give them more opportunity. not like vork ever drops anything anyways
  11. Protect Prayer

    Told david a month ago interface is fucked up and wrong.... lost a 100m item cause k top kept over it, but interface and "risk value" said i kept it...
  12. Skilling Suggestions

    Have skilling in wild with x risk give bonus xp.
  13. Corp Slayer

    There is a really easy solution to your problem. Pm me next time u see me
  14. Dump Well

    How so. It would be a community funded pool with community based rewards. Community dumps x amount community gets xp boost. Community dumps y amount gets vork
  15. Dump Well

    1 hr of 1.5x xp per 150m dumped? Or something since skilling is lackluster atm. Maybe after x amount an extra wildy chest spawns and after x more another vork spawns. Neither of these should reset normal spawn timers
  16. Protect Prayer

    i quote david. even tho half the player base knows it is not... David-06/05/2018 the item kept on death is accurate mate
  17. Make mages cut at same speed as anglers. Problem solved.
  18. ::unskull Command

    Have it on a 15 minute timer or 30 minutes so if your pking you can run out and unskull for chest or vork instead of missing it to relog and die to unskull
  19. corp 4 nerf

    Recently corp was buffed where he hits with 60-70% dmg through pray mage. this is way too much of a buff for corp as now he hits constant 40s with mage through full arma and 150 mage def. it took me and 3 other people with arma+slay helm or void and all of us had tbows and it still almost took me 9 brews to kill it. in osrs you can solo it there should be a mechanic so you can solo on here as well. if not that boss is mostly dead content.
  20. Spam rag prevention

    I have noticed this is a big problem. players will come in welf and rag you at wildy bosses and when you kill them they just return nonstop. this makes slaying impossible and you do not even get wildy points from them due to the 5 minute cd on the kill. this promotes a toxic community as they can prevent you from progressing while you don't even benefit from killing them and they lose nothing. Suggestion: once you kill a player or a player kills you, you two can not attack eachother till the cooldown is over. this would completely prevent this problem and make it more fair. atleast now you could get 2-3 kills before you get ragged again.
  21. Spam rag prevention

    ::Rag it is
  22. corp 4 nerf

    pays ransom to not nerf corp so no more elys come into game.
  23. Donky's goals and achievements

    my first pet was the derpy beaver =/. i want the cute bird or squirrel. will u trade me? my beaver has downs
  24. Received my first pet.

    i got a dumb beaver.... not even the cute squirrel...
  25. Wilderness Chest

    Currently it says who looted the chest from the chest, but when that player dies it does not say who killed them or who looted the chest. a lot of the time players will kill the chest holder at elders and no one knows who got the kill or looted the chest so they will just hang out for a few minutes then loot it and run off without anyone else knowning, or the player that gets the kill will bank and come back in tank and loot it and run off before anyone notices. this provides an unfair advantage for the players trying to snipe the person who looted it as it announces who gets it but not who picks it up. i have killed the chest holder before stood around afk and tbd for like 30 seconds then just told the rest to kill me, came back in tank and no one even knew i looted the chest from ground and ran off. completely op either remove the message of who loots it from the chest or add a message that says who got the kill or who picked it up from ground.