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Everything posted by kegan

  1. went to check how much a t10 emblem sold for and instead of it saying "i will buy this for 6k wp" it said thank for you for emblem heres the points..... if i had known it was only 6k pts i would of kept it as getting a t10 is much more of a pain than getting 6k pts. same goes for if u want to check how much a t6 sells for there is no way to without just selling it.
  2. #legion failure

    i tanked a full vs elvys about 3 days ago and it was the same way but i went to hobbs. they spec'd eachother more than me had 9 brews to start with and no anti and still made it out. i will say tho they did better than sisi's did i only had 6 brews and they couldn't full me. just sat at hobbs not moving not switching pray and went fine.
  3. Has anyone else experienced some of these problems with the "items lost on death" interface? shows kept items and then you have items below the first row on and under the line that are in kept and lost area, or you have items that you "keep" but do not even have on you? interface shows you keep items with protect item on above 30 wild unskulled and it will be the most expensive item you have, but when you die you lose it and keep an item it says you were suppose to lose instead. example you have tsotd fury dfs suffering and karils top/bottom. it says you lose karils top and bottom and keep the other 4, but when you die you lose suffering and keep karils top. bugs like this have happened to me quit a few times and if i was a new player this would really deter me from playing due to the uncertainty of what you keep vs what you lose.
  4. Hunter Skill

    only downside is theres generally either a team at chins or a few randoms all this would do in basically be pk farming. people are soo kill hungry on this game due to achieves and pkp that no1 would last more than 5 minutes (pkp reset timer) and every1 would regear and drop combat just to get 1 kill. hunting spot should be out of the way and a pain to get to somewhat
  5. How to make money!! - 80m Giveaway!

    "town queer" erm lul Also thought u gave away ballista already?
  6. corp 4 nerf

    yes.... but u can only spec it once per 3 minutes. also doesnt affect how often tbow hits as it hits almost every hit. the problem lies in the fast that every 3 ticks you get 45'd through pray mage. assuming u have never done corp on here since the update
  7. corp 4 nerf

    on osrs it takes under 18 minutes to solo including speccing it down. its 3 kills per an hour. but that is also osrs where 99s take 300 hours and drop rates and 3x ours. was faux's streams on twitch he has 1k corp kills on a hcim and does them in under 18 minutes with afk time in there.
  8. Suggestion for Thieving.

    rouges chest. currently 50s port is a dead pking zone except for when the chest is there. this would bring constant multi activity aside form once every 3 hours for 5 minutes. it is also deep wild so the profit from it can not be instantly teled out with leaving it as all profit with no risk, people would either have to tank to mage bank or use ports before escaping leaving more than enough time for a team to kill them.
  9. corp 4 nerf

    any suggestions on a way to balance this? make pray mage block 75%? should b like 3 kill trips max. or maybe add a weapons spec that lowers mage accuracy, but then we get into the problem that we cant spam it so it is useless. or just make it like osrs where tbows dont hit on it and you have pray mage block 100% but u have to pray flick
  10. hi! i started playing not very long ago but i have been playing rsps on and off for years as well as owned a couple myself. these suggestions are just my thoughts on how to prepare for the rapidly growing community we are experiencing and to improve quality of life for all players. feel free to provide your opinion and improvements to the ideas listed. 1: skilling. currently skilling is dreadfully slow which is ok, but there needs to be faster options avaliable for a risk, or some variety. The idea is to involve the wild for more skilling, example; woodcutting in wild will be 1.5x or 2x xp rate, but you must risk "x" amount of bm in items or cash. please provide input as to how much x is or it could be scaled. 1m bm 1.3x, xp 3m 1.5x, and 10m 2x xp. This could apply to all skills in wild, fletching herb fishing wc mining smithing etc. this would also make donor benefits more valuable as you can skill at edge ditch and just walk in and out, and do ::bank or loadout if it works. This would also encourage wildy "roaming" as people could be woodcutting anywhere. 2: Bosses and slayer. currently low lv slayer is pretty annoying its all green dragons and ents which is fine, but if more than 1 person is doing slayer you either have to wait or the rate slows down incredibly as there are very few of those monster in wild. suggestion add more locations for wild slayer monster and make the locations be known instead of having to search for them and maybe diversify the main monster slayer tasks as axes are always packed too. 2.1: boss slayer specifically. You finally get 80 slayer and you get any wild boss slayer task, well now you have a problem because people are already camping those bosses who do not have them as a task. corp also has this problem, someone just camping it with tbow safe spotting it. it is really off-putting for those trying to train slayer due to their op gear vs your relatively new setup. it is hard to come up with a solution to this as these bosses are not only 75% of your tasks but 75% of the eco's big ticket items. There is only a few possible options i can come up with so please help me on this one. option 1: instanced slayer only wildy bosses, if you had that boss as a task you could tele into an instanced version of that bosses wildy area. to combat the obvious problem of no pkers, add an option to the slayer master to randomly tp to someones instanced slayer task with a 10 minute cd, this way there still are pkers, but you also can not just be camped. no targets here so emblems can not be abused Option 1.1: instanced bosses for slayer, but bh targets can tele to you and your target auto changes every 5 minutes so you can not camp a edge pker and disable skipping targets. option 2: add 2nd wildy boss locations maybe in a multi cave near mage bank? fast to get to and multi for pkers and pvmers allows team pking at all bosses. put bosses in cave at 33-35 wild so u still can escape 3: trading post. add a option to view players shows individually, add recently added tap for sniping, make interface more user friendly currently options locations change see below, add history tab for checking item prices see below. add every item into the search option if item isnt for sale just have it say no offers instead of acting like the item does exist. interface - main page: search item, search player, history, my sales. then a back arrow on each to go back to main page. currently interface seems kinda awkward. history - history of item to see what is has been sold for and when Added 6/3 4: Range in pvp. Currently range with bolt rag hits through 300 range defence nonstop seems like range defence does not really do anything and void range never even hits on robes. 5: 30-150 kill streak achieve. this achievement is cancer and kinda ruins the fun of the game. say you are working on the 100/150 ks achievement, well you either are in a large team or lucky and you just roam looking for skillers and pvmers to prey on. this is fine, but what happens when you half way through and want to pvm? you can't because every boss is a wildy boss so you either have to only pk for a week straight camping pvmers and teaming or you sacerfice your killstreak to actually play the game and pvm or skill. does not sound fun for either party to me. i suggest leave the 30 ks as its doable in a day and add a 2nd achieve to help balance out the time it takes. maybe like 200 wildy bosses killed? callisto vene vet etc all those count towards the same achieve will add more as i think about it just woke up.
  11. i was going for 30 ks today then died at elders to 3 man tb team during chest cause i got bored and wanted to play the game lol
  12. currently bug report thread on forums, you cant even see your own thread after you post it leaving you not knowing what the dev teams thought on it are and what you even reported already. make poster be able to view own threads
  13. make bug reports viewable to the poster

    then you did not read the suggestion... "make you able to view your own threads" not others
  14. make bug reports viewable to the poster

    as well as if more info is requested it can be done there.
  15. additions: 4: Range in pvp. Currently range with bolt rag hits through 300 range defence nonstop seems like range defence does not really do anything and void range never even hits on robes. 5: 30-150 kill streak achieve. this achievement is cancer and kinda ruins the fun of the game. say you are working on the 100/150 ks achievement, well you either are in a large team or lucky and you just roam looking for skillers and pvmers to prey on. this is fine, but what happens when you half way through and want to pvm? you can't because every boss is a wildy boss so you either have to only pk for a week straight camping pvmers and teaming or you sacerfice your killstreak to actually play the game and pvm or skill. does not sound fun for either party to me. i suggest leave the 30 ks as its doable in a day and add a 2nd achieve to help balance out the time it takes. maybe like 200 wildy bosses killed? callisto vene vet etc all those count towards the same achieve
  16. Suggestions - Rum

    "some" thanks for being specific.... 1: yes 2: yes 3: i made same suggestion in my thread 4: meh idc 5: yes
  17. started 2 or 3 days ago. progress

    started 3 days ago max and thought this was either great luck or something on weekly. heard hardly anyone ever finishes them.