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Posts posted by PTH

  1. Huge vouch from me! Very knowledgeable about the game and always willing to help out when asked. He even asks others if they need help with something or comments when he is seeing someone struggle. This guy is a legend, and would be a huge addition to the staff team! 

    1. You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums. - I have the required amount.
    2. Account creation must be atleast 12 months old. - My account is plenty old enough, some may remember me as "PTH" or "Stylish x" long time member.
    3. Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours. - Very Certain I have well exceeded that amount.
    4. No severe punishments in the past 90 days. - I Have no severe punishments in the past 90 days.