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Posts posted by Al-Kharid

  1. I would like to suggest to place an option to switch the prayer piety and ultimate strength, like we can do with augury and rigour. I think this would be a great benefit overall for everyone who pure NH's from time to time as well as main NH etc. Also has 0 negative sides to it.

  2. 16 hours ago, G said:

    Drop rates are actually pretty fair on how long it takes to complete, all the drops are basically 5b+  one guys already had a rapier/staff in 6 chests 

    I'm not talking about the rare drops mate, that's good with all the current bosses. What I'm on about is the regular common drops we get after finishing each raid, items such as dragon legs/skirt, dragon meds and like 500K bm cash. I believe that needs a buff, considering the time it takes to finish a raid and how hard it is to even finish it, to make it at least worth doing it until you receive a rare item or whatever.

    I would consider giving the Corporeal Beast a buff in that way as well with the common drops.

  3. I would like to suggest to buff the drops in raids. These drops are way too low for the effort it takes to finish a raid, it's legit less than any other monster out there while it's the hardest thing to complete, especially solo. It takes about 11-12 minutes per raid as a solo raider, and about a good 6-7 for duo's. That means you pretty much make like 5x1M=5M bloodmoney per hour doing raids solo and about 10M duoing it. I believe raids should be the most profitable way to make money through pvming, which I believe you should be able to make at least 50 to a 100M bloodmoney per hour, whether it be as a soloer or duoer or any higher amount than that.

  4. I disagree. If you make it out on OSRS you're only making it out because you have a billion other worlds to choose from. You only have 1 world on RuneWild so if you can't escape it, logging out shouldn't be saving you.
