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Everything posted by Lumin

  1. Inspired by Cata

    I appreciate people giving positive feedback to this, but as you say its just my opinion, it'll cause heat something I think for polls there should be a % it needs to reach like they do on 07.
  2. Inspired by Cata

    Whether or not there's ugly little stickers under people's name isn't gonna change the amount people use the forums, it doesn't change the content and personally it looks tatty. It doesn't necessarily matter what the individual user's the forums for, in the end it's the same deal.
  3. Vorkath

    We already have this system in place But thanks for the suggestion regardless
  4. Trading post suggestion

    I love the idea mate, but like Rudra has said - it would require a lot of time and effort, which again as Rudra said, David has to use wisely as he's on his own. When 07 came out didn't they have a trading post in city banks where people could buy and sell things, or was it just sell? It was slower but it was more community based, you'd know who sold what and who bought your stuff.
  5. Inspired by Cata

    Our forums don't need to be changed though.. people play on the client not on the forums. For the most part people use the forums to find guides + post suggestions, that's about it. Whether the forums looked more appealing or not wouldn't change that. It's like a fence, it has 1 use and regardless of what colour you paint it, it'll still only have that 1 use.
  6. Staff Feedback - Thanatos

    Thanks for the feedback mate As of lately I need to get back into the mojo of being as active as I normally am aha!
  7. My Staff Feedback

    Appreciate the feedback mate, I completely understand with what you're saying - past couple weeks I've been slacking a bit in-game. I think I burnt myself out, and then the personal stuff hit me again and I needed something to get my mind away from reality and RW wasn't really doing it at the time. Past couple of days I've started to try and get back into the mindset I had on release. But again, thanks for the feedback
  8. more spawnables

    Personally it was worth the shot at suggesting it, but I guarantee 90%+ of players will disagree with it It's all already been said before, the whole rework of the eco was to make it somewhat more difficult for players, handing out decent tier venge gear is somewhat avoiding this in my opinion.
  9. Corp/Raids 2

    I didn't tell you I was joining Good luck though
  10. Hunter Skill

    In which case im sure having working hunter, being able to box trap + catch chins would be more than adequate. There are rumours of another skill being looked into, but for now David wants to focus on other things x'D
  11. Hunter Skill

    I like the idea Rudra, the points would have to be on a very low scale.. i.e say 500 points every 5 minutes (result in say 100 kills for example)? Requires little to no effort, gives skillers a new skill to train + makes it a challenge considering ::chins is a hotspot for pkers.
  12. TAY K's Graphics | Letric Designs

    Dang these look awesome Well-made website as well!
  13. So... I'm Back?

    Welcome back mate
  14. Slayer Best xp/h Guide

    Amazing guide mate, glad to see people helping other's on the forums as well as in-game
  15. Major suggestions via Forums

    All great suggestions Cata, as I stated earlier today, I don't think the Forums button should be removed, because if someone is on the forums on a certain topic, its more convenient to have the forums button there, than them having to backpedal pages to get back to the forums page. On the topic of the hotbar, I like your idea of having a "browse" or "extras" button. Although instead of replacing this with the Forums button, replace it with the highscores button, and add the highscores to the dropdown list under extras/browse. As said before, awesome suggestions Cata
  16. Runewild - Starting From Scratch Series Ep.1

    Best of luck on your grind mate
  17. Im back

    Welcome back mate
  18. Misfit- Recruiting

    Best of luck gents
  19. RuneWild New starter PKing Commentary

    Great start brother
  20. HUGE GIVEAWAY + Pure PKing

    Dope video mate, keep it up
  21. Heavy Ballista

    If anything I believe it should be 60k rather than 40k. It's currently more than ags/claws/acb, after updating the price guide today. But yes, I believe it needs to be changed.
  22. Team Legion pk vid #5

    Some nice kills in there mate, keep it up
  23. IM BACK

    Welcome back fashion
  24. 1. I agree there needs to be some variety with skilling, although I believe that if someone wants to max out, they will regardless of the current methods. 2. This may not currently be the case based on the player base we have at the minute. It takes about 4-5 takes before you get slayer tasks that require a slayer level, which I personally think is perfectly fine. 2.1. I agree that some bosses are more popular than others, and if you have a slayer task, you'll be less inclined to wait for someone to finish their trip/session at a boss. But because it's the wilderness, there's nothing wrong with you trying to pk them. If instanced slayer/bosses were added it would completely take away most of the deep wilderness pking we currently have, and keep in mind it's a pk server. 3. I'm with you on this one, the trading post needs a re-work interface wise. 4. Bolt raggers have always been op, even on 07. It may need a look at but personally I think it's how it's supposed to be. 5. Long term achievements are you know, long term - they shouldn't be able to complete it with little to no effort. Each long term achievement has 3 tiers, each being doubled from the tier below it. This means that we cannot simply just remove the other 2 tiers and have only 30 killstreak as the final tier, otherwise we'd have to change the whole algorithm. Yes of course we can decrease the lowest tiers to like 5-10 kills > 10-20 kills > 20-40 kills, but wheres the challenge in that? We appreciate everyone's suggestions, and don't take what I say as being too harsh. I like to be open minded, but I'm hard to please when it comes to suggestions
  25. Suggestions - Rum

    1. Completely agree. 2. The reason it's like this is so people don't start complaining about how they're over the drop rate and haven't received an item, and this way it keeps things interesting in my opinion. 3. I'm undecided about this suggestion - purely because people can cause beef if someone has prices that are too high. Keeping things unknown prevents the causation of any drama, like the drop tables. 4. Again yes and no. I feel like the more items we had that aren't 07 based, ignores the fact we're an 07 server. 5. I'd like to hear some suggestions you have on this, but try and make it 07 based/related.