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Rudoboy Rsps

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Posts posted by Rudoboy Rsps

  1. This is a game that consists of a lot of savages but the truth is that every day it becomes a very good game in pvm and I would like the least to try to add the purple sweets for pvm lovers I know it is not a great idea but I think it would give a good entry to the market and would be perfect for people who would like to learn to "tick". I would like to hear your views on this matter.


  2. As you are friends, I bring you a short story about the "Agility" ability in Ironman Ultimate and Ironman Harcore, and everyone knows that Ultimate is forced to take his entire bank everywhere and it would be totally risky to take his entire bank to the woods just to increase agility, and in the case of Harcore's ironman, because a kill would be his end and increasing agility to the woods would be a total risk.



    One of the first solutions that I offer would be that after lvl 60 of agility for the UIM & HC that will gain more experience in the same area of "Tree gnome villague" that could be the same experience as in wildnes or only 40k of exp per lap.

    another good option would be to activate the camelot agility circuit for the HC & ULM


  3. A more successful challenge, I think that doing cox alone and with a scythe, tbow and a trident and only food is very easy because the truth is that I have a lot of food but it was still a nice challenge I hope to motivate more people to do a good pvm.


  4.                                                           Seeing what they think about this, I managed to kill Vorkath with just regular shorbow, ring of recoils and taste vengace. *what I could see is that every time I use I taste revenge vorkath's stroke diminishes very considerably his fireball goes down from hitting 80 to only 3 damage


  5.                                         ok folks it was crazy but if i managed to kill verzik with the help of only 1 dragonwarhammer and scythe of vitur                  guadaña-vs-verzik 


    I want to try to add a bit of quality of life to the game since on many occasions new players or old players always arrive asking about the drop rate of each element in the game I think it would be a good step for everyone to start adding the drop rate of All the articles of the game thus abia players with better quality both for the players and for the moderators since in many occasions the players go to the moderators to ask the drop rate of either a common, rare or very rare, this is My account I await your answers, I am a Latin player giving his opinion.

  7. Your idea of change is very good, and in my opinion I would say that the value of items like the twisted bow and the scythe of vitur should increase again now that the twisted bow falls in cox should increase its price at least 3b and The scythe of vitur will return to its old price of 10-15b since right now a scythe or a twisted bow is very easy to get and they are of great help for both tob and cox and on the other hand the elysian sigil that is an item of the rarest of the game and it does not help as much as a scythe or a twisted bow is worth 45-55b I think those prices should also vary here a latin prayer speaks to you


