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Posts posted by betelguese

  1. On 9/20/2018 at 10:54 AM, elmo said:

    For starters people go to active pvm spots regardless of the heatmap or not it would just make it quicker to check without physically walking to these spots (such as vetion or battle mages).
    Secondly what do you mean by normal pking gets affected by farcasting and teleblocking? Isn’t this happening regardless even without of the heatmap? It seems from my perspective that you have a problem with the way the combat works and or people that use mage. And to be fair the way you describe people who use mage kind of confirms my theory.

    The way I see the heatmap working is to get straight into the action when u log into runewild without having to check every spot in the wilderness to find out where people are hanging out. This may not affect people that enjoy veng pking or pure pking since they mostly hang around edge all the time. However, for people that like nhing or pking in a team finding people can sometimes get very tedious and especially when the player base gets below 100 players which occurs regularly during the day.

    The reason this might also be interesting would be to make people visit the forum more often. This may lead to more active users on the forums when people look through the topics. The gap between active users in game and people on the forums is rather big and any bit can help in my opinion.

    If youre only looking to fight nhers or teams then it would be much better to have an option that turns off being detected on the heatmap.

    Like it or not, the whole farcasting, "nhing" thing is not everyones cup of tea and it creates a toxic community. Making it easier for people to go around and farcast helpless players in the wildy is the farthest thing from the right thing to do for a server to grow, its one way to kill the wildy anyway, if you want an example for that, check out whats happening on OSRS; so many toxic & hated teams going around and ganging up on everyone on the wildy deterring anyone from going to the wildy anymore.

    While yes, its still happening, but at least people that just wanna go kill say green dragons can actually have a chance without being targeted down by people that are constantly looking for others to NH or farcast.

  2. This sounds like a terrific idea to kill the potential of the server growing. Yes, it is a pk server, but nobody wants to go into the wildy just to get ice barraged from 30 feet away or teleblocked and farcasted.

    Theres a significant portion of the server that want to PK normally, just because some people want to PvM to make money it doesnt mean that you should go around and say "its a pk server find a different one if u dont like". That would make it heavily in favor of people that are already geared and are already rich since it would be much more difficult to make money when there's some lowlife tping around specifically to kill people just because he can.
