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Posts posted by Restless

  1. It's Server Vs Server, it's just a connection difference, the delay is very slight, but the actual non special attack hits at the same rate as it should, which means that it isn't coded wrong. Regardless, I'll always make sure of something like this with evidence/proof and constant brainstorming, so I'm glad that there was no issue after all.




    /Lock Topic/Thread

  2. 6 minutes ago, Hovaldo said:

    Try filming it from the same angle, hard to tell with diffrent angles.

    Move to about the middle of the forum post and you can see both special attacks go off, RuneWild is more delayed, needs to be fixed to match OSRS.


    EDIT: Not quite the middle, like a little bit before the middle, you'll be able to view both GIFs. This is mainly due to the fact that OSRS can be zoomed in more, so it looks closer than RuneWild.

  3. Posting this to see if they match up, in terms of delay (Dragon Claws, Special Attack):  Dragon Claws, Special Attack, OSRS (Less Laggy V2).gif      

    Dragon Claws, Special Attack, OSRS (Less Laggy V3).gif

     Dragon Claws, Special Attack, RuneWild.gif


    Also, you can also see that both "Zoom Features" are different, one has more Zoom-ability, the other is capped (OSRS having more, RuneWild more capped).


    EDIT: I personally believe that "RuneWild" is a bit slower in terms of the time between special attacks, OSRS seems to be quicker and have less delay. Which means it's subject for change, as @Yogi will always change things to match OSRS in terms of combat.


    EDIT: I've added another two examples from OSRS for clarity, it's faster and has less delay regardless of if you have PID or not, PID just makes the hits apply faster.

  4. Yes I like the close-ups of the Female character, and how your face literally looks like an Ape's skull (will be fixed in the future/bug) and that cheeky message proves how clueless you are (for the uptineth time it's 3 tiles not 4, when you stand on the 3rd, that's 3 tiles) .


    On a serious note, I agree the music was better than the trash that is put in every vid nowadays (my opinion, if you dislike it, you have your own)

    Changing up the combos made the video seem fresh and not redundant, but the biggest issue is the black bars. A lot of people instantly look away from a video when it has black bars, because it just removes the immersion, I can just see* these huge black bars, re-size it. Camtasia offers this same option, basically you just click on the video preview and drag the corners until it matches each end of the corner and like magic you have a full fit video with no black bars.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Hp said:

    Well i'm giving you a Twisted Bow once I see you in-game, I doubt Jigsaw gb'd or re-risked it.


    He did not, he just taunted me, thank you very much man, you didn't have to and I appreciate it.

  6. 1 minute ago, Hp said:

    I can definitely see the delays.. that 2 second hit delay would have made me run back in and reconsider risking. 

    Sad to see this happen, I would stick to duel arena.

    Never staked, nor will. I risk fight for my wealth, it was just unfortunate luck, the thing is I didn't notice prior because I was recording and I usually drop just a few frames while recording (shit pc), but this was straight internet lag.

  7. 1 minute ago, Justin said:

    Yeah unlucky asf. U prob got those little lag spikes i get the moment he venged.

    It was previous, I looked at the video and saw my first attack literally took half a second to go through.

  8. Just now, Osku said:

    thats your connection that is lagging and thats not jigsaws responsibility to take care of your connection l0l loss is a loss no can do

    I'm not saying it's "Jigsaw's fault", I'm saying it was bullshit because I lagged just then. When I was typing the rules and even activating quick prayers, there was no lag.

  9. Just now, Cowboy said:

    he had pid

    It's not PID, do you realize how long it took for me to attack in the first place, go review when I clicked him, it took me like half a second to attack.
