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Posts posted by VERANO

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    17 minutes ago, Joyerino said:

    Hello everyone and welcome to the Dharok's tournament. The event will hosted on Saturday at 6PM GMT.

    This event will take place in a private location, unreachble by foot. To get there u will have to pm a moderator 30 minutes before the tournament is due to start. To enter this event you will need to sign up for the event. To do so you will need to reply to this thread with the name of the account that you will be using.

    Once you have died you will be knocked out of the event. The gear will not be supplied by the moderator or any other player, you will need to bring your own gear to take part in the event.

    U have till 4PM GMT to reply to this forums post or it will not count.

    1 account per human being.

    Gear and inventory setup:


    You can only use items shown in the above picture.
    If you are found cheating you will be disqualified.
    If you bring gear better than what is in the picture you will be disqualified.
    No overhead prayers are allowed.
    No more or less than 2 saradomin brews and 4 karambwans.

    1st: Torva set + Harm Orb
    2nd: 6b + scythe of virtur
    3rd: Sled(5-7b) +1.5b

    Thanks for reading and good luck in the tournament

    Thank you to all the sponsors of the tournament:

    Prometheus- Torva set + harm orb

    Joyerino- 8b

    Nissan- Sled

    Ethical - Scythe of Virtur

    22andtonk - 5b

