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a god

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Posts posted by a god

  1. the programming behind it is legit broken, out of maybe 1/10 I dont have pid ill win, its legit broken, if i get pid, i win most of the time. IT IS BROKEN. everytime i dont have pid I think "well i lost" & i lose every single time (most the time). you guys programmed it so the person with pid would have a better chance, since they should, but you guys legit made it as if they have boosted defence + higher accuracy lol. if you don't believe me go try it. ya you might win a few non pid ones, but 1/10 chance to hit it. stop saying it's not broken, go test it. figure it out n fix it. 


    If you think im bullshitting, I have 2 other rsps's that you can get pid on n its nothing like this. lol ill be glad to let you know which ones if requested. (staff only, i will not advertise)
