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    Do you agree to split EVERY drop (Yes/No):

    Username: repmygang123

    Gear (Show as screenshot or in game, will effect rank): max mage + max str 

    PvM experience?: nearly perfect pvmer got very little to improve (ive basically mastered every aspect of the game)

    Notable Drops (Screenshots or just say): https://www.runewild.com/forums/topic/1266-ratlords-pvm-drop-topic/ (most of the loots are mine but some are my friends') 


    Discord?(Yes/No): yer

    Do you agree to split EVERY drop (Yes/No): not gonna bother splitting shit drops like bss etc if its from corp unless someone really wants it ill jus give but big drops ye

  2. 48 minutes ago, bio said:



    i see where you guys are coming from with this but, this command is in a lot of servers and it isn't abused. Maybe for this server we can have a timer or something along those lines.

    go die at duel
