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Showing most liked content on 03/04/2021 in Posts

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    Ive been pking for a decent amount of time and one thing i've noticed is the pking system is like 90% rng or at least it is in trying to do something that involves skill Example: one of my fights my ags hit 2 0s and the persons whip hit 43 twice and a 46, ok thats just one fight but trust me this happens every fight for me and when it goes in my favor i notice it and feel bad for the person i am vsing cause they dont stand a chance. Same thing for dh, why are people allowed to stay on 60hp and still hit 60-70? thats unfair and makes no sense. This isn't the duel arena skill should be involved, if i always teleport away from my fights ill barely have any kills or deaths, i just stick around to the end to not get bored. and the speed of weapons are weird not sure if its just me or this is how its suppose to be, but ags vs dh axe and dh axe hits first, once again not sure if its meant to be like this. Is this just me or is this happening to any of you? This is just a discussion about pking, because i see a decent amount of people complaining about this and it happens to me too.