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Showing most liked content on 11/30/2021 in Posts

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    Please note: This guide is a work in progress, I only posted it because I don't see a way to create a draft topic. Any feedback is appreciated and encouraged, Thanks! Last updated: 17/06/2021, 0.02 added Callisto The Wilderness is a high-risk / high-reward area in Runewild, here you'll find majority of the bosses and they drop a fortune of items. As mentioned this comes at a high-risk with pkers always hunting for individuals to kill, and also teams of pkers who will take you down if you're caught in a multi-combat area. Whenever entering the wilderness it's important you understand that you don't bring anything you cannot afford to lose. Deceitful players will attempt to skull trick you and you may lose your more valuable items. This guide will outline important information about the wilderness, such as multi-combat areas, where the bosses are located, what gear to fight each boss and their mechanics. The Wilderness Map In the map above you can see the multi-combat areas highlighted in red, also where all the wilderness bosses are located. Some of these areas such as Callisto, Vet'ion, Venenartis, Scorpia are located in multi-combat areas and are very risky when you attempt to kill them. Although bosses such as Corporal Beast and Zulrah are located in the wilderness, their chambers are not in the wilderness - See their specific section for more information. Vet'ion Callisto
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    Hey, reciban un cordial saludo de mi parte, en este video les traigo un Giveaway 500M de RuneWild [2 Ultra mystery Box] para participar debes darle like al video, suscribirte al canal y comentar tu nombre del juego y ya estarias participando. En 48 hora dire el ganador, suerte todos!!! Link del video: https://youtu.be/bw8rmbm36w0 Suerte!!!