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Everything posted by cokiemonsta


    post your ign in the comments section of his video
  2. 50m Minimum Stake

    David is not forcing anyone to trust trade but to risk fight instead.
  3. Achievements

    Well maybe you don't get the next star unless you claim the reward, no idea if that's how it works now or not. Also, i agree achievements should be recognized since they give really good rewards for doing whatever you love to do.
  4. Clan loot share

    I wanted that towards the beginning but people kept complaining.
  5. Clan loot share

    Can we remove it? All day 5-10 man teams camping corp?
  6. Vorkath

    It's a PVM event............................................ You call a pking tournament a pvp event. You call wilderness hotspots, pvp events. You spawn a boss it's called a PVM EVENT. God damn, no wonder why these kids play on a private server. Probably don't even know your way to varrock walking from lumbridge. Be one of those idiots trying to buy law runes at lumbridge for an hour.
  7. Clan loot share

    I've been told that all of there damage is combined into 1 and the player to get the last hit is the one that gets drop. Again, i shouldn't be forced to join a cc. I solo everything and i should be able to do so. It's retarded to allow 10+ players to grind corp all day, only god (David) knows how many kills they get per hour. At least 50 which means every 7 hours theres a chance at elysian. If they continue to grind as hard as they are, there will be a new elysian/arcane per day. Bad eco.
  8. Youtuber suggestion

    200 subs, I make suggestions to help the server. You just mad cause i'm trying to take away abused OP money makers.
  9. Youtuber suggestion

    Besides status (which is awesome) there is not much for youtubers. So just two minor added bonus suggestions. 1. !youtubers, allow players to type that command in order to get a list of youtubers currently online just like !staff. 2. Add a link to the youtubers channel by typing there name in a command. Example: If you type the command !cokiemonsta, you should be linked to this page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-nFpQDsnT4fkUgLgiR7LRw?view_as=subscriber
  10. Youtuber suggestion

    He's just hating on everything i suggest because i'm working on nerfing corp. ''Civil Nation'' camps corp all day with 10+ players. imagine the kills per hour and the drop rate only 1/350
  11. Vorkath

    Alright then how about the clan you are in called ''gambinos'' has 20+ slaves camping the teleports to vorkath so nobody can kill it? Also, yes, i did use the word ''slave'' a term for a person that does work without pay. So yes, everytime when i teleport to gdz to kill vorkath, i see you standing there attacking me and getting no pay. ''slave'' is the term for that and i'm not using it as toxicity but it's a simple word to use for the current event.
  12. IbbeFan221

    God the pid luck haunts me still as i rewatch my death lol. Your hybridding skills are proving to be extremely useful when you nh and i wish the best of luck.
  13. Vorkath

    Alright, let me break it down for you a little bit better cause you still don't understand for whatever reason. Vorkath is a boss (if you agree go to next statement) Pvm means player vs monster (if you agree go to next statement) Pvmers kill vorkath (if you agree go to next statement) Simple as that. Pkers should not have control over pvming, at that point just get rid of the boss to quit your unfair bitching. The end.
  14. Sugestions single boss added

    Or maybe have 1 single skotizo spawn in random single zones in the wilderness and instead of telling everyone where it is you can just say if its dead or alive by typing the command ::skotizo. First person to find it can attack it. Also maybe remove claws and prayer scroll from vorkath drop table and add it to skotizo ''very rare'' drop table. Name changing scrolls are always being discussed on every server. There must be something weird with the coding for that. Xp lamps would be great to add to bosses as a rare reward ranging from 50k xp to 500k xp. If these were brought into the game i recommend 2 options 1. Add a small, medium and large xp lamp that gives 50k, 200k and 500k xp (pretty big but it should be rare) 2. The player that uses the lamp on a skill will be rewarded 50-200k xp with a rare chance of receiving 300-500k xp. Also i believe these lamps should be untradeable but can be lost if killed in 20+ wildy.
  15. Vorkath

    He mean to move vorkath to singles but allow everyone to still attack it. Fuck voting rights if somethings going to destroy the server. ''hey everyone, 40 people voted to decrease the elysian drop rate to 1/50 and since we voted for it, David should be a slave and implement it.'' -Sarcasm if nobody knew. How many times do i have to say that killing a boss is pvming not pvp. Yes it attracts pkers but its not pvp content. On top of that, why would a bunch of pvmers form a clan to pvm? ''Hey everyone, stop what you are doing, i know you are all probably doing slayer but i need you to get your nh setup (that they don't have) and come fight gambinos (that they can't do cause they are pvmers). Only a majority of pvmers can nh. That's not a bad idea but what if instead, we had more then just 2 locations for vorkath? What if we had 20 locations and they were all randomly picked so big clans cannot camp the entrances. Force players to skull up if its singles and don't force them if its multi.
  16. State of legion

    Smacked up is error?
  17. Vorkath

    No but to those players i recommend they do achievements. That's how i started. Was amzing to find out i get 20m from a small achievement and did it just by playing however i wanted.
  18. Corp Solo Guide (After Tbow Nerf)

    Once you get used to it, it's pretty easy. It's not 100% success rate but it's about 90%. I just cba splitting anymore since i'm an item collector.
  19. Vorkath

    I'm pretty sure you can make a good 50m an hour doing slayer if you hardcore grind it I was trying to figure out something similar. Maybe 1 vorkath out of wildy other deep wildy? Or locate a vorkath near pirate hut and the other located south of venenatis, north of green dragons. Also since there is no teleport to pirate hut there can be a 1 time only teleport straight under vorkath. Just a thought. I've been working to hard irl to come up with any good suggestions.

    I was told by Ian that Dragon Warhammer and Bandos Godsword only works for pvp and not pvming. Maybe David doesn't want tot o be for pvming or maybe he just never got around to coding it yet but i felt like it was necessary to bring it up since i love to pvm and it would help me out a lot oif they worked.

    Well I'm just going off of what Ian told me. I can test it and figure it out but it's kinda hard to tell sometimes and i'd rather just have David give me a yes or no answer.
  22. Corp Solo Guide (After Tbow Nerf)

    Sorry, your a nice person and i didn't mean it directly towards you. Just speaking the truth thats all. I forgot about warrior ring i lol. Also bandos only gives an extra max hit, not worth bringing at all.
  23. RuneWild bridding/nhing

    Damn, you added my dm clip aww man.
  24. Corp Solo Guide (After Tbow Nerf)

    Trio/4man is to quick really. The only reason why i made this post is so i can help prevent bigger groups. You go in a 4man, grind another 250 kills in 3 days and get another ely, imma be pissed when you chuck it again for 10b, Karils has -10 magic defense compared to armadyl. It doesn't really matter to me but for new players, once you get the hang of it i'm sure you can try other setups. I prefer anyone that does corp to be on task. You will never find me killing corp off task cause i'd rather enjoy all aspects of the server instead of going money hungry by grinding 1 boss.
  25. Nh Practice #2 (100M Giveaway)

    nice vid. Surprised how good you have gotten lol