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Posts posted by cokiemonsta

  1. 2 hours ago, MEXMEXMEX said:

    A clan have every right to do so man, every boss is that way in wildy, thats just the risk you gotta take.

    A suggestion could be a teleport to straight into corp cave, that costs 500k/1m ea?

    or a games necklace that cost 2m and gives you 6 teleports. That would work fine with me. Aslong as the clan damage gets fixed. 

  2. SENSEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You told me you aren't good!!!!!!!!!! You lied to me! <3

    You are the exact opposite to how i play. I try to be as fast as possible with my switches but you actually take into consideration of what your opponent is going to do and counter it. I really like your play style and would hate to vs you next tourny :) 

  3. I know this is a pking server and not only do i love to pk but i am pretty good at it (not to brag xD ).

    I just wanted a topic where everyone came together and made some suggestions about skilling. Like the following that i am about to suggest to the staff and the community. (PKING IS THE MAIN REASON FOR THIS SERVER BUT WHAT REALLY MOTIVATES ME TO CONTINUE PLAYING AND HELP THIS SERVER GROW,  IS ALL THE UNIQUE CONTENT THIS SERVER HAS TO OFFER. FROM PKING, TO PVMING, TO SKILLING, THIS SERVER HAS A LOT TO OFFER)

    Agility - David probably went to great lengths to code some cities into the server. Maybe we can add rooftop agility to the server? or atleast just the ardy one? This will help some of the skilling addicts, like myself, to push beyond 99. Also you can't have rooftop agility without some graceful ;) Even though the run energy on this server is regained at a insane rate, the graceful just offers a bit more fashion :) 

    Firemaking - Really i can't say to much about this skill except beyond 99. I know this is osrs but it's also a private server. Firemaking and Cooking are the only skills that cost money to get 99 (but at least for cooking, anglers are really easy to fish but magic logs are pretty slow.) I was wondering if we can add a specific location on the server  where you need (random number) 20m xp to gain access to this location and there is a fire that you are able to use as a bonfire (yeah, i already know what you guys are thinking, ''bonfire? this isn't eoc'' blah blah lol). Also another suggestion maybe to decrease the amount of xp you get (per log) by 20%.

    Woodcutting - I don't really have anything to say about this skill except maybe increase the speed of magic logs? I don't even know lol. Just seems really slow getting roughly 10 logs per 30 seconds and anglers you get roughly 10 every 3-5 seconds :) 

    Herblore - I made a seperate suggestion earlier about herblore and it won't let me post the link in here. So if anyone wants to see my suggestion on herblore, Just go to the forums>Feedback>suggestions>anti venom. 

    Thanks to everyone that read my skilling suggestion and if anyone hates my suggestions please comment why you hate my suggestion. Please don't be negative about it and not give me a good reason. Also if anyone has alternative suggestions for the skills listed above, please comment with details <3


  4. It's not a bad video but i was told in my first video that players do not like  to see you kill players that have disconnected. Also try to vs more players. well more then half your video is facing the same 3 players, ''NME'' ''Sausage Roll'' and ''true sight.''

    Other then that good switches and not bad editing :) Looking forward to the next video.

  5. 1 hour ago, RATLORDS TOM said:

    Sounds like a pvmer who got what he wants but doesn't want others to get it so he can keep his bank value high. Sounds selfish to me

    What you mean?  A corp pvmer would wnat to grind corp over and over. I'm suggesting to prevent large clans from destroying the eco by grinding corp all day and not letting anyone else kill it. Especially someone who is on task who solo's corp. 

    Anyone that has attempted to solo corp knows how hard it is. Worst when you have clans ruining it.

  6. I know i have an ely but i'm not just trying to secure the price of it. I don't want to see 50 arcanes running around in multi. 

  7. 13 hours ago, Blackhat said:

    if you die in that gear without being skulled i dont think the untradables protect over your actual items it just shows that way for some reason. maybe test it?

    The autokept items are placed in the ''kept on death'' section but it's not 1 of the 4 items you protect. 

  8. I guess this guide is kinda pointless since i tell people this all the time and they still find the urge to gamble. Also video recording doesn't matter since no matter what evidence you have, david doesn't care about scams, just don't be fooled.

  9. 1 hour ago, 1tx said:

    well damn lol im guessing you died?



    Yeah lol. i'm trying really hard to solo corp and it's almost impossible to risk it under 40hp without dying. So whenever i am that low hp i should be able to eat before the boss hits me.

  10. I've been trying to solo corp lately and i'm not going to spoil how to solo corp but i would really appreciate a smaller hit box. 

    It's difficult trying to run around near corp when his hit box is so big to the point that you can click 2 tiles next to corp and attack him instead of move.

    Maybe have it to where corps paws are not part of the hit box? It's a big boss.

  11. Get 80 range and go for firecape. Also are they doing it to where after first week you get all quest done? 

    Get 94 magic after fire cape. 

    Grind Dboots once you get the slayer level but watch out cause it's multi. 

    Also imagine being one of the first people at dks. I assume clans would camp it but if not, it would be really cool. 

  12. Premium - I think it's a good started donator no need for changes.

    Super - 5% more pkp and bm per player kill/boss kill

                - increase pet drop rate 5%. (No idea if the ''increased drop rate of 5% at every monster'' effects pet drop rate but stack with it if it does)

    Respected - 10% more pkp and bm per player kill/boss kill (does not stack with super)

                        - increase pet drop rate 10% (does not stack with super)

                        - increase daily and weekly rewards by 10% 

    Legendary - increase daily and weekly rewards by 20%

                        - Special restore altar also gives you a full 2 minutes of stamina.

                         - increase pet drop rate 15%

    Master - Increase pet drop rate 20%

                  - Increase daily and weekly rewards by 30%

    Other then that masters is pretty op

    Ultimate - Again nothing comes to mind. It's a lot of credits but you don't want to make it to overpowered.  I believe the only player with this rank is ''pontus'' so maybe add a customized partyhat, wings etc. for this player.

                     - Also Increase daily and weekly rewards by 50%

                     - Increase pet drop rate 25%
