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Top Fe

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Everything posted by Top Fe

  1. Niccs 45 Def Ironman Progress Log!

    Nice bank brother <3
  2. Top Fe's Bank video

    Top Fe's Bank video as of 12/02/2019 (Ironman) It's very scuffed but oh well. Enjoy 1. The main tab 2. Unused Food + Pots 3. Skilling Tab 4. Range Tab 5. Mage Tab 6. Melee/Slayer 7. Pets 8. Junk Tab 3 Inventories of items price checked, although the prices calculated are incorrect...
  3. Couple of suggestions

    Okay so I have a few suggestions I've been thinking of.. 1. Make Vorkath instanced and soloable like osrs. Clans camp it all the time and it's so difficult to even get one Vorkath kill, nevermind grind for the assembler and infernal cape. 2. Dwarf cannon. - IMO the pieces of the cannon and the cannonball drop should be made at the most, uncommon, not very rare. It is only a cannon after all. It's not like they're op or anything. Another option is maybe adding it to the shop? I personally think around 25M a piece is fair, maybe like 10k a cannonball? Could even be made untradable. This is only a rough thought anyway. 3. Possibly adding a Bonecrusher to the slayer store Thanks
  4. Couple of suggestions

    Them items shouldn't even be that expensive tbh, I know they're best in slot but come on. Ava's and Fire capes are spawnable and Infernals and assemblers are like 2b. The whole server can't hit it though. Clans can hit it. Solo Ironmen is almost impossible. You could still make it as challenging as it is, but just without it being in multi wildy.
  5. Slayer tasks

    No, I've used 400 points cancelling dragon tasks I cba. Gona leave slayer till it's fixed
  6. Slayer tasks

    Can slayer tasks please be looked into? I always get the same tasks over and over. dragon tasks, demonic gorillas, black demons and hellhounds. Very rarely do I receive gargoyles, greater demons, bloodvelds, nechryaels, abyssal demons ect. Sometimes I get like 5 red dragon tasks in a row. Either that or can we block more than 5 tasks? Also can we make it so if we get hellhounds, we can kill Cerberus. Black demons, we can kill demonics. Greater demons we can kill zammy boss ect. Thanks alot
  7. Slayer tasks

    Slayer is slow yeah but only thing is if they changed it, the people who have grinded the xp they're at now, i assume, would not appreciate increasing the xp rates now. I know i wouldn't haha. Least you're not an iron, we're x0.5 xp of normal
  8. Adding Exp lamps and Donator tokens ?

    I don't like either to be honest mate. I feel different currencies would add too much custom to the game and I like how it is atm, I don't feel anything is wrong therefore feel no need to add/change anything. As for the XP lamps, everyone who's got a max cape (including myself) I feel would not like the fact you could pretty much buy max stats. I enjoy the XP rates and not that it takes 'skill' to max but I quite like the grind and that you actually have to put some work in. Adding XP lamps takes away that and any sense of achievement. I feel if you can't grind out 8 none combat stats then you don't deserve it.
  9. Alternative Way to Imbue magic cape

    I actually made a post about this issue on Sunday, but they all sound good to me. 3 is probably the best yeah, unless the proper way is coded and added like it is on osrs but as long as there's another way I'll be happy. I want that cape haha
  10. Imbued god capes

    Literally impossible to get one atm so thankyou.
  11. Imbued god capes

    Can we possibly look into making another way to get the imbued god capes as I've attempted to get one so many times now and the rev caves are just constantly camped by clans which kill you instantly on entry. Much appreciated thanks.
  12. Imbued god capes

    You do know I'm an ironman. I've tried twice today and couldn't even get 1 rev kill