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Everything posted by stayruthless

  1. High Risking - Episode 1 - TBOW Giveaway

    Should go for 1080 uploads next time, but nice vid
  2. Quality of Life Fixes

    So the past week or so back playing I've ran into a few rather annoying things that I'm sure every new player or existing player has ran into, here they are: - F12 Gear Slots, After you select a Gear the interface remains open. Immediately after gearing, I'm ready to use other F-Keys whether it's to check gear/spellbook/prayers and always end up switching to another Gear Slot from my desired one. The interface shouldn't remain open after equipping gear, only when customizing the right click options. - Re-sizable client option, doesn't save on logout, or next client use like rest of settings, also the minimap frame ghosts/flickers on left side of client time to time. - Voting chatbox notification pops up: even after already voting. Server should do a check whether or not you've voted, rather than interrupting you. - Name Capitalization, example my name, the S wasn't automatically capitalized, first thing I noticed when I logged in.. it gave server meh vibe off bat lol - Pure Pking, I understand it's 1 defence pking, but there's no 0s involved EVER. I enjoy fast pace pking, but you can't outeat a magic shortbow hitting constant 20's or a whip constant 30's. So impossible to enjoy when it's just a dice roll of who gets one big hit and snowballs you with primary or a spec. - You should automatically be put into Help CC upon first joining, just so people know it exists.
  3. Quality of Life Fixes

    Ye I understand, but then there's people such as me running around with their desired usernames in lowercase because they didn't know. Would be sick if first character was default capitalized, as i'm sure there's more people who want a normal name than a under case one.. I'm just a a bit butthurt
  4. Killa Jojo

    Killa Jojo/Captain Jojo aka the frogman here. Was about to post my videos I've made for the server, but I realized I deleted the channel out of spite as I was DONE after getting "Micked On". Gladly seeing he's out of the picture, I'm back happily playing again. Glad to see the servers taking direction where it should've been along time ago with the variety of PK stores. Everyone's moved away from skype, but still use it, same user. Same with Vent, hmu my fellows IGN: stayruthless