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Posts posted by eikrewT

    1. You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums. Yes zirrr
    2. Account creation must be atleast 12 months old. Acc created 9th June 2020
    3. Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours. Yes sir, total playtime is also 72 days
    4. No severe punishments in the past 90 days. Nope no punishments 

    previous account names are, Twerk4GP, twerkie, whale tamer, Oshit, zoof 


  1. 8 hours ago, Brothers said:

    I wouldn't even bother doing TOB without a tbow or scythe.


    I will be able to afford a tbow, but not a scythe yet, is it possible to do with just range? That’s how I used to do it 

  2. 8 hours ago, RW BLACKJACK said:

    TOB one of the best money makers for sure.


    1/75 drop rate on rares. 


    Find a friend or two to help you learn (takes maybe 20-30 kc) and you can make as much bread as you want farming it. 

    Thank you for replying, could you send me a starter gear and inv setup? 

  3. On 29/07/2021 at 11:51 PM, stay blessed said:

    Let me know what you find out, I'd be willing to run some TOB with you! Fair warning, I've never pvmed before but I can learn.

    Neither really, I have about 30kc, I’ve a very bad pvmer but willing to learn 
