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John w Gacy

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John w Gacy last won the day on September 4 2018

John w Gacy had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

2 Neutral

About John w Gacy

  1. John W Gacy

    My name is John w Gacy. I have been muted for a really long time with no indication on when the mute will end (if it ever wil). I tried reaching out to several mods and even David but didn't get any response. Hopefully someone can tell me when I get unmuted, It's a hell talking with emotes only. John w Gacy.
  2. Corp

    I am not talking about the shields. that drop rate needs to stay the way it is. But making money from corp is hard we just need a few more small drops that will make corp more profitable.
  3. Corp

    I've been doing corp for a few days now. I think the drop rate on corp is way to low, you never get anything that's why i never see people doing corp. My suggestion is buff the drops : more low value drops. At this rate you don't make any money at corp (unless you get lucky and get arcane or elly). Would be nice to get some drops once in a while that are worth the time.