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Posts posted by SEX MACHINE

    1. You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums.  ye i got
    2. Account creation must be atleast 12 months old. yep
    3. Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours. yeap
    4. No severe punishments in the past 90 days. never
    5. No past toxic behavior.  ofc
    6. https://gyazo.com/b3c464b02737dd7cfde32ebcd41d19e9
    7. My playtime https://gyazo.com/59f5211c1c3ff6ac3b06e4c8c99d7caa


    Also Owner of super rare pet of Loco toro Jr  witch look like now tob pet and david shud rework that or delete it and give me servent instead of it :P
