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Everything posted by Trapaholics

  1. !bank

    So as becoming a member I should be able to use !bank. Yet it does not work at gwd or even slayer tower. Whats the use of this perk if it cant be used when you need it? If I have to go home I can use a bank instead of typing in !bank. I understand not being able to use it in the wild is obvious but anywhere outside pvp pretty much should work. Pros cons anyone?
  2. Caskets

    So since it seems like no one wants to have casket drops sellable. What about having a shop that would buy them? green 5m purp 15 and gold 20m where no one can buy just sell?
  3. Casket drops/Donation store

    I Wasted 700m last night opening 25 green caskets and 2 purple caskets to get roughly 50m back and i'm just a pvmer. Look at it from this point of view stakers own the eco correct me if i'm wrong. BUT if caskets were to be tradable imagine the amount of money stakers would use buying and opening the caskets in witch would help the guys who can barley afford to open the caskets themselves. Causing stakers to loose money or gain money it's a gamble and stakers are about the gambling life I honestly think that caskets being tradable would help the eco out
  4. Casket drops/Donation store

    I think that caskets should be tradable simple as that on that topic. As for donation store it's really boring theirs not much that intrests me to make me want to spend real life money on this server I think if the shop itself was given new items special offers and even more coins per Dollar would be more motivation for players to donate increasing revenue for the server~trap
  5. !bank

    A mod stated that !bank would be bad because you could farm bosses. I was pointing out that in less then a week the price of ags had dropped dramatically and !bank was not the reason for this. I'm just saying why have !bank if i cant even use it unless i'm at home where there are banks. To offer a perk as a donator then to say hey you cant use this anywhere but these places is just dumb. Yes farming will happen if !bank was to be aloud at places like gwd. BUT it would bring more revinue into the game and also less people wellfaring while pking. I do see the ups and downs to this i'm just dissapointed that a perk I donated for cant be used to its full potiential.
  6. !bank

    Look at ags prices in a matter of 4 days it went from 150 to 100m and guess what !bank was not the problem. Of course certin places should not allow !bank. But at the same time why donate if the perks arnt even reasonable?
  7. Casket drops/Donation store

    Ok but a staker can win one duel and buy every single thing that comes out of those chests. So if that is your logic on this it's not a valid one. And if you ask me if someone wants to spend what 75b to open 300 chests that's up to that individual. to say no to that because "stakers" wont have to pk to get them is just dumb.
  8. !bank

    So the whole point of !bank is so when you telly home you don't have to walk to the bank chest. Makes perfect sense
  9. Things I'd like to see change

    So it comes to my attention that when you donate money you gain donator ranks. But if you buy scrolls with them its like you never donated. You should be able to implement something where it does not take away from your donor status. I can hear the other side saying "well all you would have to do is trade the scrolls to a diff account and use them to gain donor rewards" No my personal opinion you should have to donate to get donor rewards not buy with in game money. This alone would increase your revenue put onto the site; I think the donor shop needs to be updated too And another thing !bank. Pardon my language but I think this is fucking retarded if im at GWD and need to use it I cant. I have to telly home just to use !bank, I understand like the wildy you shouldint be able to open your bank I get that but not being able to use it at gwd is stupid asf But appreciate the time taken out of the day to read this. ~Trap
  10. Things I'd like to see change

    when I started thinking about it unless they made it where u have to donate to get the donor stats that would not work. But the !bank,Casket trades, and donor sop upgrades would be dope
  11. Things I'd like to see change

    I know what you told me but when I pull a scroll out I loose my donation rank. and the npc even gives you a warning telling you it does
  12. Things I'd like to see change

    I just don't think you should loose your donor rank when selling scrolls; theres got to be a way you can implement that And caskets I think they should be tradable too I know im not the only one thinking this
  13. Pking/Pjing

    it may have been worse but how can you say its normal? like 3 fights i cudda got a ags a acb and a stod i got rushed by someone else in mid fight and got koed. i swear the target timer is like 3 seconds
  14. Pking/Pjing

    I cant tell you how many times that i have smited someone for something then gotten pjed in the middle of the fight. I think this needs to be looked at. As a newbie just joining I don't know people and don't have people that have my back. But when you can pj in the middle of the fight is just unfair in my opinion. If possible put a 10 second hold for you to be able to attack someone instead of being able to do it in mid fight.