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7 Neutral

About Oskuuu

  1. This is BULLSHIT:

    thats your connection that is lagging and thats not jigsaws responsibility to take care of your connection l0l loss is a loss no can do
  2. Healys First Runewild Video :)

    best video!
  3. First video

    neck l00l
  4. First video

    main thing is that i won that sesh like 8-2
  5. First video

  6. Oops Gallahan for another max :P?

    banter ::topic 512
  7. Oops Gallahan for another max :P?

    L000L exactly
  8. Oops Gallahan for another max :P?

    nek it clown l0l
  9. Oops Gallahan for another max :P?

    you're a troll yourself
  10. Oops Gallahan for another max :P?

    Skill bro Skill!
  11. Oops Gallahan for another max :P?

    https://clips.twitch.tv/StupidPrettyBadgerBibleThump https://clips.twitch.tv/StupidPrettyBadgerBibleThump https://clips.twitch.tv/StupidPrettyBadgerBibleThump
  12. another max set in welfs :\

    off who