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About didyscape1

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  1. Legacy Pking CC

    join legacy cc ingame will rank you and pm me when u online ill invite you to the discord
  2. Legacy Pking CC

    loin legacy cc ingame will rank you and pm me when u online ill invite you to the discord
  3. Legacy Pking CC

    Welcome to Legacy. About Us Legacy strives to improve and further expand at all times, we are starting with a decent strong core of members who have been on the server for many years and ran a number of successful clans ingame for a long period of time. we welcome all who are who are willing to become a part of Legacy. Official Information Legacy has a preference for members who speak good enough English to communicate and listen. members with Discord which isn't a must either but it does come with access to our Giveaways which are held actively by our hr team and other high ranks and the ability to move up the ladder in comparison to non-discord members who won't reach any further than basic ranks. Rules Legacy has a list of rules but I'll list the ones most important to non-discord members. You need to have a PvP mindset No flaming No yell baiting No server bashing Recruitment You can become a member of Legacy by filling out the recruitment format (see example below) which can be posted on this thread or feel free to click on the invite link to our Discord (bottom of the thread) and redirect yourself to the clan-verification's channel to fill out our Discord format which is processed and handled much faster. Username: Legacy Timezone: UTC +2 Language(s): Dutch and English Discord: Yes or No Microphone: Yes or No 89 agility? : Legacy official discord - do !legacy ingame