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Posts posted by Ian

  1. hi

    Helm of neitzo doesn't give negative magic bonus...... fix the 5 minutes black screen at the end, Overall solid vid.


    I’ve seen players commenting about all the prior (Runewild) effort they put in the server, and that the only people that are voting yes is due to having no banks. That has nothing to do with this, people who think that way are opinionated. If you look at the current state right now nobody would join this neglected server, nor with active updates. pretty sure there are still people out there with 10b+ banks, it will never be active again due to Runewild’s bad assessment, and horrible deficient prior player count. Therefore I chose to have a new commence, since the server is better off with a new name, new website, better methods of money making (easier hopefully) since it is a server based on PVP, and as lastly not to forget active updates.


    New commence all the way is the most topmost option, if you want to succeed again. Success does not come without hardships, you will suffer, and you will have rough times. But eventually will there be a reward.


    It’s all  about logical thinking. Whether you guys want a server with 200+ where it is actually worth grinding on. Or server with 35+ players maximum where everybody is afk, up to you guys. I Prefer 200+. Onwards vast amount of the donator ranks should be given back should be the least that you could do and, that could incentive the server in bringing old players back that donated to Runewild.
