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Mr Wiggle

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Everything posted by Mr Wiggle

  1. What's your in-game username? - Mr Wiggle What is your timezone? - Eastern USA What is your playtime? - In-game time 31 hours, but I've been playing on the server for 3 weeks I believe Tell us a little about your gaming history. - 96% of my free time is spent playing games. I have over 800 days in runescape in-game time. I've owned RSPS's before and held staff positions many times Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - I like helping people. I help already with answering questions and getting new players situated. I figured it'd be interesting to be a mod here. Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here: I'm a 28 year old software developer. I'm laid back and calm, more of a logical disposition than emotional. Nothing really bothers me, just a relaxed guy that likes playing runescape/RSPS's. I'm sure my application may not be as appealing as someone with months of playtime, but I like to think character stands above playtime. I've also donated a fair bit so there's some leverage against abusing the moderator position. I'd be happy to get in a discord call or something of the sort to talk about my application and the position. Thank you. Edit: I also realize that I am not active on the forums. I'm not really interested in being on the forums, would rather only moderate in-game. My email hasn't been verified I guess either, I can get that done as well.