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H0TLINE last won the day on December 19 2019

H0TLINE had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

7 Neutral


  1. Veteran Application elmo

    elmo the boy
  2. fucking finally the drag was fixed
  3. David making a update?, impossible
  4. WHERE ARE THE NEW SKILLS BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, but still a nice af update from the man the myth the legenden david
  5. Buffing scropia drop table

    Hello fellow runewilders, i hava been thinking about scorpias drop table. Its horrible atm, so i was thinking if you added dragonical claws to the very drop table, bcs scorpia dosn't have any real good drops and its in so dangerous area and dragonical claws dont drop from any boss. this would make scorpia more worth it and more people would do it and more people would pk there then. at it's current moment scorpia isnt worth doing, if your not going after the pet. gn fellow runewilders, heli out *daps in japanese*

  7. Hooligans #ez clearence

  8. Slayer task/ monsters

    No As any efficiency/money making minded slayermen here would understand and agree with, this suggestion would 1) decrease xp rates 2) decrease gp/sellable drops like javs/anglers per hour 3)decrease poinst per hour as you skip shitty tasks
  9. GREENGANG is recruiting

    1. i play almoust everyday 2-5 hours 2. i have been in a semi big clan b4 reset 3. tanked team b4 and i can tb, idk about focus 4. i got discord and a mic Suicide Hotline -SpinnyBoyz-#4366