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Everything posted by 3o21

  1. My Staff Feedback

    Not to defend anyone, but if there are 100 other kids sweating in the help cc to answer a certain question from a new member, it really is unnecessary for a current mod to compete with the other 100 kids who try to help, and 'try to be the first to answer'.
  2. Ranking system.

    idk why ur heated. just pointing out facts. besides you didnt win 500m u won 100m of ours, none of which came from me so gz
  3. Ranking system.

    niga ratlords is on this server. how can the toxicity level of this community rise any higher

    hm u pay for spies
  5. Ranking system.

    i mean the entire pk community is based on the ego the pkers have. why not allow these ego brids to show what they got and if they can live up to their ego, they get a badge which they can brag about.
  6. Ranking system.

    sick idea mate
  7. Yes, It's the Z. ^.^
