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Posts posted by ADAM

  1. I believe you’re one of the best pvmers on RuneWild, as for that reason, I’d like to see maybe an up to date Corp guide, maybe another NPC such as Demonic Gorrilas? Take a look through the guides what have already been made, or what need updating. Then take it from there bruvva!?

  2. @B Pre-Release will be used for the players to familiarise them self’s with which method to money making, they would want to grind once the initial launch starts.

    Theres been quite a few changes to RuneWild since beta mode was put in place, hence it would benefit us all as a whole to have pre-release before initial launch.

  3. I’m sure we’ve had a tax on the trade post before now, and it ended up being removed again. But I definitely like the idea of more money sinks being implemented into the game. However the blacklisting issue should stay as it is. We need to have some sort of reason for people to donate, which we are currently slacking with at the moment. As of ragging, all ragging reports get taken care of pretty much straight away. Ragging is not, and will not be tolerated.

  4. The problem with multi logging is people being able to camp a certain boss, for example Corp. Which can be majorly abused if using a safe spot, = 2 x fast loot, also some people then can’t get the kill, due to the fact 2 accounts are in a cc and sharing the kills.

  5. Although it would be an amazing update, and a great thing to see in RuneWild, there’s just too many updates that are a lot more important coming up, and being worked on. And with the reset happening very soon, I can’t see this being added.

  6. @magicabow you’ve clearly stated your opinion enough times now, if David didn’t listen to the community, he would of just reset the server without posting the poll. He values everyone’s opinion on how to make RuneWild better. A lot of people who have voted yes have 500M + bank still. The reset is something that will help the game get into a much healthier state, followed by the new updates what will be coming.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Hovaldo said:

    complete or with maxed skill total/donor ranks kept?

    My personal opinion, to reset everything. The updates that will follow, the new players that WILL join. A fresh start is 100% what RuneWild needs, to see the player base boom the way it should.
