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Found 2 results

  1. Thanks to Beast for the original Torva repair guide. It was useful to me but left out some details (for me at least, since I'm a total noob), so this is intended to help anyone who got stuck along the way like I did. You can see Beast's original guide here. Step one: Bandosian components are required to fix the damaged Torva. You must dismantle Bandos armour pieces to obtain these. Dismantling Bandos chest plates give you three pieces each, and tassets give you two pieces each. In total, you need four Bandosian components (1 x each for the Torva helm and legs and 2 x for the plate body). Step two: The Ancient Forge is required to dismantle the pieces—it can be found in the Nex boss area. Teleport to Nex using the teleportation tree at Edgeville. To enter the room, you must have 70 agility. You can train this at Tree Gnome Village to level 52 and then the Wilderness Agility Course to level 70. Once you've gained access, go to the forge icon on the mini-map and use the Bandos armour pieces on the furnace to get the Bandosian components. Step three: Finally, you will need to use the Bandosian components on the broken Torva pieces with a hammer in your inventory AND 90 smithing. And boom! After grinding out 90 smithing, you now have some shiny new Torva pieces in your inventory. Cheers!
  2. Hello, I would like to quickly discuss the current state of dh/melee pking at edge when fighting a player using any of these items as a combo. I think its unfair for players who use these amazing items, especially on this RSPS, They are so broken and overpowered. Don't believe me? Step into wildy and face a player using the set skulled, the accuracy and damage is so consistent and high (40-48). That is why all top tier pkers are using these items. Now I have not made this post to bash them or speak hate, Props to them. those items are insanely expensive and i'm grinding to get there. I would like to think i'm fairly well at DH pking and understand the concept since i've been pking at the age of 15. Im 26 now. When faced with an opponent using these 4 items, with decent skill, its over. its not even a dh fight anymore, it's just constant eating for you. For your opponent, he's making pasta in the kitchen, auto retaliate on. Hes chillin. With all humor aside, I hope that the Runwild staff can take some time to review this matter. I've done the calculations and all data is below. Hopefully this places it into perspective. Issue: ALL 4 items are kept on death with 0 risk, +1 Protected item. So players can risk these insane items, SKULLED, and yet risk nothing at all. I believe that 2-3 of these items need to either count as the risk, or some other form of punishment must fall the user if they were to die. If a player is unskulled, They can add vesta top and bottom and a faceguard with an ags. Oh, and if they are ultimate Donor, they basically can add prims. Yes ladies and Gentlemen, you can be in absolute Max, yet risk 0 GP. That blows my mind. Now some people might say this is how OSRS is set up. I understand the game is trying to mirror OSRS in regards to these items being kept on death but there is a key feature that is different in this game. On Osrs, They are untradeable. They require skill to obtain these items. On Runewild, They are bought and sold Shops/Credit Shop and no shortage of offers between players. Not only that, but skill plays no factor in obtaining them, it's just a large amount of GP. Too large that it is unfair. Testing/Results: So I went ahead and tested 4 weapons and here are the max hits with stat Bonus to each setup. Since i'm only referring to these 4 items, I kept the other items constant. Please review notes below. Notes/Constant: 1. DH helm,Body, and Legs were used in both Tests., For boots and amulet, A fury and D boots were used. There is no issue with Prims or Torts being used as they will drop upon death and are considered risk. 2. These were obtained off Osrs Stats. (Shoutout @Wclord999 for the Help.) 3. 99 str/Att - Super Set - Piety 4. This testing was strictly for Melee/Attack stats/Bonus's. I did list the Def Bonus since barrows gloves have better Def stats. (I would still take the F-gloves) https://imgur.com/di5GfCG LInk above with results, but the overview was almost +3-4 max hits on each of the 4 weapons tested and a accuracy boost to each Stab/slash/Crush of +12. Not sure if I linked picture's correctly. FeedBack/Ideas: I think for some of these items, There needs to be some sort punishment upon death. Avernic Defender: Since this item is an add-on, instead of dropping the defender, Maybe add a "broken" Status when player dies with it. Make the cost around 100m, and give the player who killed 100m cash since the item was risked. I think this would balance the Defender perfectly. Ferocious Gloves: These need to be dropped as loot, or turned into Hydra leather and dropped. Infernal Cape: I think this item currently balanced. But when combined with the other 3, it becomes a little too OP. If others are changed, this is perfectly fine currently. Oh and this is the only one I have sooo let me be OP too. Berserker (i): Item is dropped upon death as a normal Berserker Ring. Hopefully I've gotten the point across. I've been around the server for a while now and have almost 14 days of playtime. These 4 items are OP as is, Keeping them upon death is silly and OP. One last note to keep in mind if you disagree with my post, When I go out in Dh, I use Bring(i) and always have Prims, Normal fire cape, and a dragon defender and a spec weapon (Protected). Probably around 45m risk, but guess what? I still risk more than the guy who is using almost 8b in gear, that yes, is also tradeable and insanely OP. He just risks the dh set. PKing is about higher risk, higher Reward. ORRR Honestly, Maybe i'm just salty that I died to a guy in starter rune gear with these 4 items equipped for a 40-44 dds. IDk, All this just advice. YOU CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANNA DO. Peace.