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Adam Selective Enforcement of a Rule Incorrectly (perhaps with bias)

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If we take the less nefarious approach and say Adam (a forum moderator) doesn't understand the basics of why the "grave digging" rule exists, then I am insulting his intelligence.

If I take the more nefarious approach and claim he is selectively enforcing rules incorrectly against me, but not against others, then I'm questioning his integrity.

I'll try to make this is as constructive as possible in the hopes that you won't instantly delete / hide the thread.

You are enforcing the "grave digging" rule selectively against me and totally incorrectly. 

The entire function of a grave digging rule is to not "bump" old threads that are no longer relevant. 

When someone replies to a thread or "bumps" it, the thread it brought to the top of the section.

  • •   This can be negative if the thread is no longer relevant and already buried quite low in the thread stack.

Following this line of reasoning it is impossible to "grave dig" a stickied / pinned thread.

Especially when the thread is viewed as still so relevant it is pinned to the top of the the section.

Despite all this, my reply was deleted and all my content needed moderator approval for 3 days.

See reason for warning here:








The least nefarious way I can frame this is a conceptual misunderstanding of basic forum rules from the person who apparently runs the forums.

The more nefarious way I can frame it is that he's intentionally doing this only to me because I was mean to him, and hurt his feelings.



Here you can see tons of other people replying to non-stickied threads over a year after they were posted, reply not deleted, thus no warning points / punishment were issued.

These are actual examples of the grave-digging rule being violated.



Please post any explanations / critique below, I'll respond at my earliest convenience.




Edited by rayp

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