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zigs ss application

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About yourself?

  • What's your in-game username? - Pkedbyzig
  • What is your timezone? - GMT
  • What is your playtime? - 137 days 18 hours
  • Tell us a little about your gaming history. - former staff member on Grinderscape and former support on azerite. have been playing rsps for roughly 6-7 years and have a extensive knowledge of the rsps scene. current mod for some youtube streamers like sohan didyscape etc
  • Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - to help new and current players enjoy their time on runewild by answering any questions or queries they might have. Having been around the rsps scene for a few years i believe that i would be a good fit for the role. i can be fair and unbiased and be available for any issues that may crop up ingame and also assist other supports or mods/admins if im needed to. Being a older player of the rsps scene i would be bringing maturity to my role with in the staff team and will assist and undertake any duties i am given.
  • Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here: any other question feel free to pm or comment on the post!



Thank you



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