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Everything posted by rudra

  1. Food Ticks

    If this is true, it sucks and is something that should definitely be changed.
  2. New forums look

    Pretty sure what he means by this is the new layout of the homepage. Looks good though.
  3. My signature lul

    I like the style. Nice work, those MW2 days were some of the best of my life.
  4. future of runewild

    We gonna prosper under the nigga David.
  5. Protect Prayer

    Yeah that seems odd, I'll let David know.
  6. Pures vs Zerks,voiders

    I just don't like the idea of having loads of people stood around in one area not being able to fight one another.
  7. GraveDiggers Recruitment Thread

    Best of luck, here at RuneWild.
  8. Pures vs Zerks,voiders

    I don't support this, I support having an area you can only access at one defence, but splitting PKing at edge is a no no.
  9. ::meet Command

    Ye sure, however, there are already a couple of unused teleports, such as ::barrows which could be used instead of this.
  10. Starting a YouTube channel

    We can never have too many YouTubers with us, best of luck with your channel.
  11. 200 Crystal Key Opening!

    Nice work, shame on the scuffed loot, better luck next time.
  12. Dump Well

    It should be tradable, if the player profits, so be it. They would only be selling it for cash that already exists in the game anyway.
  13. Legion leader Gone Gone

  14. Bank pin and mystery box

    Support both... would love to see more unique drops depending on the box you are opening.
  15. Dump Well

    I'd prefer that.
  16. 5 $ scroll

    I'd rather have the possibility of someone donating $5 every now and then, rather than make the mistake of simply taking that $5 for sure, but possibly losing out on any future money from that person. At the end of the day, business is all about timing and risks. The server is financially stable at this time, and so why not risk trying out a $5 scroll.
  17. NH Practice #1 (Mini Series)

    Keep this shit up bruh.
  18. PKED 1.2B! + Heavy Ballista giveaway

    Nice work bro, best of luck to everyone in the giveaway.
  19. 5 $ scroll

    I think most people have already decided what they want to buy from the store, before they donate. This would just mean people would be donating more often and would fall into a habit of donating. To a lot of people playing, $5 is a lot more expendable than $10. Once someone has more of a choice about how much they're donating, they are more likely to become frequent donators.
  20. GraveDiggers Wins 100m 07

  21. Dump Well

    The top three people are rewarded with unobtainable cosmetics, such as a set or outfit. I like the idea.
  22. Giving back to the community (:

    nice work brudda.
  23. 5 $ scroll

    Makes sense in a business sense, it would make donating accessible for so many more people. Support.
  24. Rags to Riches Ep. 2 - EASY 100m Grind !!

    Nice work, living up to that rank.
  25. Legion sent back to roat

    I don't know what's more savage, the fact they got whooped, or that they now have no option but to play on that server lmao.