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Posts posted by wigger

  1. Context: Was a little drunk and streaming trying to buy 100k brews and restores each (respectively.)

    I failed at this task quite well by buying 100k strength pots, then accidentally incinerating my cash stack by buying 42k sanfews.


  2. Here are some clips from risk fights I participated in.

    Keep your eyes out for the version of this but it's just me dying over and over ;)

    Like 6-7B pk'd in this video. Not the biggest, but I'm just a humble dh farmer. It's honest work.



  3. 6 minutes ago, Adam said:

    If you require to report a certain individual of staff, please report it to the higher up staff. David or our admin G.

    Mant thanks, Adam.

    I already bother them too much, I need to show that others feel the same way before bringing it to them.

  4. Please do not require the use of this format, merely suggest it be used for broad feedback.

    This format is awful for leaving individual feedback, and documenting abuse / unequal enforcement of rules.

    It's great for leaving overall feedback, but certainly not for the type of autistic documenting and exposé type threads that I make about specific select staff.

  5. 14 hours ago, elmo said:

    I support this, this would make the dh tourney slightly less rng based therefore it's a good idea. I must disagree with Incredible W. I remember David saying in one of his first streams of the tourneys that he is open to suggestions for any changes on the tourney and he was fully aware that the setups weren't the best. 

    I missed that, @David hear our plea <3 

  6. 1 hour ago, Incredible W said:

    That would make a single tournament last forever lol, nobody has time for that mate.

    It would require a slight re-work of the system, wherein every time 2 people are waiting for a fight they instantly go into one vs each other.

    If people want to leave they can, just die. For those of us that have time it'd be very fun.

  7. 42 minutes ago, Incredible W said:

    You're contradicting yourself when you're saying it should be about skill, because with less combo food it actually takes more skill to stay alive. You're supposed to be able to use your given resources well enough to know how to survive and when to eat what. If you do a 3 way combo eat everytime you eat, obviously you're not going to be able to maintain surviving because you're going to be through your combo food really quick. I've done a fair few melee based tournaments and I've never gotten to the point I didn't have enough combo food to eat if I'd be getting big hits on me.

    And tournaments already have the most stable RNG currently, as the tournament RNG system works the same as ::cpvp. But both being exactly in the same gear and in full defensive bonuses, it's already clear it'll be a RNG fight where unfortunately most times whoever is lucky enough to get the biggest DPS wins.

    I think that the only real skill aspect in DHing is making your opponent get you low enough to kill them without chancing yourself in the process.

    Not some gay eating methodology. We can disagree on that, since I doubt I can change your mind on that.

    I had an idea for a DHing tournament with unlimited food potions, etc, but capping hp at 85.

    Could put a 10 minute timer on fights and then just make whoever did the most DPS advance to the next round, which allows for many more k/o opportunities, but some will still inevitably result in just RNG dps or just RNG fat hits on bad risks.

  8. If we take the less nefarious approach and say Adam (a forum moderator) doesn't understand the basics of why the "grave digging" rule exists, then I am insulting his intelligence.

    If I take the more nefarious approach and claim he is selectively enforcing rules incorrectly against me, but not against others, then I'm questioning his integrity.

    I'll try to make this is as constructive as possible in the hopes that you won't instantly delete / hide the thread.

    You are enforcing the "grave digging" rule selectively against me and totally incorrectly. 

    The entire function of a grave digging rule is to not "bump" old threads that are no longer relevant. 

    When someone replies to a thread or "bumps" it, the thread it brought to the top of the section.

    • •   This can be negative if the thread is no longer relevant and already buried quite low in the thread stack.

    Following this line of reasoning it is impossible to "grave dig" a stickied / pinned thread.

    Especially when the thread is viewed as still so relevant it is pinned to the top of the the section.

    Despite all this, my reply was deleted and all my content needed moderator approval for 3 days.

    See reason for warning here:








    The least nefarious way I can frame this is a conceptual misunderstanding of basic forum rules from the person who apparently runs the forums.

    The more nefarious way I can frame it is that he's intentionally doing this only to me because I was mean to him, and hurt his feelings.



    Here you can see tons of other people replying to non-stickied threads over a year after they were posted, reply not deleted, thus no warning points / punishment were issued.

    These are actual examples of the grave-digging rule being violated.



    Please post any explanations / critique below, I'll respond at my earliest convenience.




  9. 1 minute ago, Top Fe said:

    Slayer is slow yeah but only thing is if they changed it, the people who have grinded the xp they're at now, i assume, would not appreciate increasing the xp rates now. I know i wouldn't haha. Least you're not an iron, we're x0.5 xp of normal 

    I'm almost 99, I don't care. If less people have to suffer, that'd make me happy.
