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RW BLACKJACK last won the day on December 14 2021

RW BLACKJACK had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

24 Excellent


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  1. Blackhats staff feedback

    Grave-dug post - locked.
  2. New Players Guide 2022

    Well done Joy! Keep it up!
  3. Staff APP

    Joy is actually very helpful. Much better shot at Staff than any of the current applicants.
  4. Hello all! :D

    Welcome back!
  5. Amazing update boss. This is exactly what Runewild needed.
  6. GFX Artist Needed

    Hey! I'm a seasoned GFX artist, over 13 years experience. hit me up if interested! RWBJ#4092
  7. decrease central boss collection

    No support
  8. add some staff member and support

    This is a thread from a year ago... If you need help PM someone on discord. ::discord
  9. Only the Server Owner David can help with any sensitive info related issues. There will soon be an option on ::support for recovery related issues in-game. (Should be on there this week if not already). Believe us, if we could help (us moderators), we would.
  10. Roulette

    Lets be honest, if any new gambling games are added it's gotta be poker.
  11. Remove Corp from Slayer or add instance,

    I don't agree. You can combat the issue you have by making a cc with others and turning on lootshare. Or grind out to 85 slayer and get slayer tasks. Both options are solid remedies.
  12. Remove Corp from Slayer or add instance,

    There is instanced Corp for Ultimate+ donors.
  13. GPU mode is sooooo fresh! Great work @David & @Ry
  14. How 2 log in?

    We are aware of this problem & are seeking the cause/solution. Hopefully resolved within the next 24 hours.
  15. What are the signature limitations?

    ummm i think theres only limits to size which is pretty large. You can check by trying to upload one. Also checkout my forum siggy shop