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Posts posted by RW BLACKJACK

  1. 1 minute ago, stay blessed said:

    All good brother! Sometimes you don't have the full story and that's okay. I'm glad I could fill you in a little more. You offered good advice for what you knew and you've kept it respectful and i appreciate it :P

    Always man! 


    Take care & be careful haha. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, stay blessed said:

    You happen to be wrong a few accounts here. I have two open appeals currently nearly a month old with no responses. But I won't go into detail. I get where you're coming from though and I've tried those ways. I like to think of myself as fair and sensible, and this seemed to be the best route. You seem to think highly of Eternals, you should start a feedback topic for him. This, however, isn't the correct topic for it haha

    Ah dang.


    I mean I've never been muted or anything like that so I can't really relate. Outside of things of that nature Eternals has always been very helpful for me.


  3. 1 minute ago, stay blessed said:

    Well, yes. Forums is a place you discuss runewild in at a leisurely pace, and I wanted to have a discussion. And as you can see from replies, it's difficult to get information out of him! So to the community I ask

    I am more than certain if you PM"d Eternals in game or on Forums he would've given you a direct answer to what is considered crossing a line... You could also look at rules. If you wrongfully think you ever get muted/banned just dispute it. During disputes you typically get a broader explanation to the decision if it's not an obvious one, ya know?


    Eternals is very lenient when it comes to bans/mutes. 


    I usually see at least 1-2 warnings before taking action.

  4. May be a dumb suggestion, but double check punctuation. 


    I've personally never heard of this issue. 


    If you can't get it figured out I am sure & admin could help you recover as your account will be tracked through IP & Mac address. 


    If you can't get it ask for help in the Help channel on ::discord or message David on Discord @ David#5801

  5. 1 minute ago, stay blessed said:

    Of course I expected some clap backs, that's the point of banter. You give some and you take some. I just wasn't sure how to respond to staff! Did you read the context are you just coming here to virtue signal because you're so much better than the rest of us?

    Yes I've read the entire post & replies. 


    My question is, was it necessary to make a topic on the forums calling Eternals out for something if all you really wondered was where is the "line"? 



  6. 15 minutes ago, Kharyrll said:

    My brother is really into $uicideBoys and keeps pestering me to check them out, I've heard a few songs but I may just have to listen to them and see what the hype is about lol.

    Their music slaaaaps dude! definitely worth checking em out

  7. Hope you all made it out to tonights big stream. We dropped & gaveaway OVER 30B worth of stuff tonight. 


    Make sure to sub & turn notifications on to be alerted when we go live!

    Much love you guys <3

