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Posts posted by RW BLACKJACK


    10 hours ago, themostmoist said:

    bruh the rules legit say u can swap with a mod/admin or purchase with osrs

    Double check with Staff on Discord server first man.

  2. 17 hours ago, themostmoist said:

    can a person transfer rs3 gold too rw? or is it only osrs


    Fairly certain they only take OSRS for donations, I could be wrong. But I've never seen or heard of anyone donating RS3. 


    Also if you wanna donate, click the donate with OSGP and you'll basically buy gold from a 3rd party that will pay the owner of server. (It's worth more going this route instead of using a CC)

  3. Currently there are no rewards for doing Agility. It is brutally boring and so long and such a grind. 


    Maybe we could add in the agility outfit and get tokens for the costume randomly when completely courses?


    Idk but I think there should be some type of anything to collect randomly to keep it somewhat exciting.

  4. Agreed. Ive been hit with some major major dry spells sometimes lasting weeks due to this. It is a huge turnoff. Luckily as a host as long as you can weather the storm you will come out, but it can be pretty brutal. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Despised said:

    This dumb ugly junkie fuck can check and see the trade logs and see not one of them is my alt all the alts we exposed where Anthony Sanchez aka I lord Tal0s / crazyxpker/ lhi /teamsolopker this guy making the thread is literally posting screenshots of what someone said on alt discord lmao staff can check trade logs nuff said get your hairline fixed only reason you had viewers was me ugly mole rat looking bitch 

    Interesting, add this account to the alt list he posses. This guy is crazy @David. Please take action. He is hurting your server.

  6. 4 minutes ago, April 30th said:

    Yeah dudes a scumbag. When legit people would win he’d try to claim they were “alt” accounts. I won 500m and got rerolled because he said I was an alt account..I wasn’t. Really needed it as I legit have nothing. Would’ve been happy with just an ags to pk. Way she goes I guess. Dudes a snake rat.

    Even though I'm cleaned man, PM me in game. I'll chuck you 500M. I apologize for his actions. I'm on now.


  7. So, as a good chunk of you already knew. My "Friend", "homie". and moderator in my stream. Is indeed 110% the biggest con artist and piece of work on this server. Several others and myself have gone and did many checks, it is 100% confirmed every account youre about to see in these screenshots are all Kings accounts. Every single one. It's sad, I trusted this guy, I genuinely wanted to help him rebuild on the side while helping me out with keeping streams entertaining. He would push me into doing bigger giveaways to "Help the stream", but low and behold he would have 8+ alts MINIMUM in my stream at a time to completely MILK my pockets and take away from the true players and fans of my streams. 

    I feel took advantage of, and betrayed. 

    I confronted him about this last night, and he talked his way out of it. 
    Then today I got many many new people coming to me with more information which I was hesistant about at first so I went and did my own research just to see if things were added up.


    For the real ones. who enjoyed my streams and were genuine. I appreciate you. I am sorry that I was this oblivious and allowed something of this nature to happen and if I wasn't cleaned right now I would hook every single one of you. 


    In my honest opinion, King deserves to be IP banned at minimum. This is fraud, this is cheating and most importantly this is just unethical on many levels. @David, I hope you really see this and do something about it. He is a master manipulator and fraud. So please make sure to check thoroughly, cause he is sneaky. He's been doing this for a long time. Not only to me, @Misers as well and many others he has befriended. 


    DO not trust this guy, he has called every single player in this game a rat, even ones he mods for. He is the biggest fake I have ever met in my life.


    If anyone else would like to chime in below, I ENCOURAGE you to. PLEASE. He needs to be exposed and something NEEDS to be done about this.


    I'll post the screenshots now of every alt we have confirmed 100% to be his, which every single one of these were in my streams together at one point or another.


    This is all, I am disgusted. 

    tldr; Dont trust randoms










  8. Feel free to tune into the most lit streams on this server. 


    We will be live daily everyday @ 12:00 PM CST for a couple hours & @ 7:00 PM CST for a couple of hours. 


    Live blackjack hosting, good entertaining conversations & lit music.

    P.S - No Vennys :P


    Here's our most recent stream;




  9. I feel the exact same. Its super inconsistent. I find myself reloggin tons to help change pid. I've noticed that help here and there but yeah, melee pking is toxic af on here due to the inconsistency. 

  10. Yoooooo, could we get a SOTW contest going?? Either weekly or bi-weekly?


    SOTW = Signature of the Week.


    Typically mods or admins come up with a theme and then allow the community to submit their original creations and then the community takes a vote..


    Some ideas for 'rewards': Banner and feature on front page with winning tag // In game rewards // Bragging rights. 


    It doesn't really matter to me to be honest, I love participating in these competitions and it really brings out the talent in the community.


    Anyways, let me know your thoughts!

  11. 5 hours ago, ALL SM0KED said:

    Wow these look insane, can't imagine ever making those myself lol

    Appreciate the comment man! 


    Let me know if you ever need something! Super reasonable pricing. ( I actually enjoy making stuff)
