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Mr Foley

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Mr Foley last won the day on March 13

Mr Foley had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

3 Neutral

About Mr Foley

  1. Rzdg Veteran Rank

    When do we get responds on this?
  2. Rzdg Veteran Rank

    Thanks bro! Appreciated.
  3. Rzdg Veteran Rank

    You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums. > Check! Account creation must be atleast 12 months old. > Account creation late '18 Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours. > Check > 50+ days playtime total > Last 30 days = 60 hrs No severe punishments in the past 90 days. Never had any punishments/mutes. No past toxic behavior. > Not for me, i'm here for a good time and enjoy myself!
  4. knights

  5. Demonic Gorillas Guide

    Good 1
  6. Spawn Guide

    Nice thanks!
  7. Corp Solo Guide (After Tbow Nerf)

    Vid is downn would like to see a good guide about corp solo
  8. Fluoresce's Cerberus Guide

    Nice guide of the puppyyyy
  9. Solo Olm Guide

    Awsome thanks!
  10. Updated 1 hour npc drop rate guide #2

    Wish there were more ppl updating regurarly
  11. How to solo TOB - the right way [full melee under 4:30]

    Aw video down ye, would love to see this 1
  12. Carrow's CoX Guide

    Very nice this will help!
  13. New Players Guide 2022

    Very nice! Helps the new players alots.