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About OdysseusFent

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  1. pray book filtering

    i check everyday for filters coming to pray book, please any info on when we get this quality of life update? im hesitant to play cuz i dont wanna relearn how to use praybook without filters then vice versa going back to main game. PLEASE PLEASE. TY DAVID 4 ALL YER HARD WRK!
  2. done

  3. make runewild wholesome again

    i remember when first spawning in and being greeted by the pre-existing players on runewild with the upmost of respect and helpfullness, now all im greeted with when i log in is "puta madre" and "pinche pendejo" ..... runewild dosent feel like a place i feel 100% welcomed anymore just today for instance i logged in to upkeep my consecutive-log-in-days when i was approached by a eerie strange young fellow, he began to berate me with insults and instructions on how to "KO" myself. and ontop of everything the player exhibiting this foul toxic behavior was a donator, a reputable ranked member of the community! below ive attached a screenshot of the lesser/least concerning/ what i felt comfortable screenshotting. because the thorough and oddly specific instructions on how to "KO" ones self is disturbing to say the least.... as a suggestion i hope this individuals behavior is delt with accordingly
  4. Spreading rumors xd

    spreading rumors about how i received a permanent ban from the help CC
  5. Surgeon General Tafani

    ive searched all over the forums but i have found nothing about Tafani the surgeon general. is this a boss only donators have access too on donator island? what da heck! what in tarnation! Help!