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Posts posted by Bio

  1. 17 minutes ago, cokiemonsta said:


    I don't mind dying to these guys on my way to corp but the fact that they can camp the door and grind corp all day is quite annoying and destroys the eco. 

    Can corp maybe be slayer task only? Or maybe some sort of requirements in order to kill corp? 

    All bosses have this happening not only corp, it took me 12 hours yesterday to kill 12 callisto for a slayer task because gambino is camping bosses and killing pvmers. i agree, it's quite annoying but making corp having requirements doesn't sound like a bad idea. would make it so ely and arcane etc stay 'rare"

  2. Just now, B said:

    Starting to lean me towards agreeing with different ranks but I'm going to stay firm in arguing against PIPs, but again that's just my opinion ;p

    fair enough man, everyone is entitled to an opinion

  3. 21 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    I agree. I'm a Forum Moderator, that's my priority, I have the rank in-game to make things simpler. I personally would love to see PIPs and other ranks pertaining to in-game. I'd single-handedly deal with all spam if I had to, however I know this won't be the case.

    I don't see what we're waiting for.

    exactly, i don't like mentioning other servers so i will use an acronym, if you look at SS forum's look at colorful and appealing. their forums are really active and have tons of ranks that player want to achieve such as Youtuber, wiki staff, maxed, gfx designer etc etc, they also have staff ranks like manager, global mod forum mod administrator etc that i believe every server should have and not everyone in one user group when everyone isn't the same rank. PIP's work well for every server if you push forum activity i dont see why it wouldn't work here.

  4. 1 hour ago, B said:

    We play the game, we don't play on the forums. And 14:10 isn't the majority of the server Cata. If you wish to make a separate community forums for RuneWild, feel free - I'm sure David wouldn't mind. We're supposed to be trying to look professional. 
    How is something like this going to portray professionalism: http://prntscr.com/jzimq4

    To be fair, me personally and tons of others look at the forums before they download the server, if it looks bland and boring i click off, the colors on Rune Wild forums are appealing to the eye so it makes it easier for people to be active on forums having pips make it i guess you can a spam competition but that's what staff are for, if you in game moderators don't want to do it, you guys should lean away from all in game staff and have the ranks "forum moderator" and "global moderator" added on to the member group legend so that those specific ranks are in charge of moderator forums/ Both in-game and forums. there defiantly should be more ranks added to the forums and more pips and possibly more hook. if anything more activity benefits you guys for doing more giveaways, more suggestions to improve the game play in-game, and so much more. of course it can create spam but it's already happening with or without pips so with a little more moderation regarding the forums it would be great

  5. 40 minutes ago, cokiemonsta said:

    The fact that i clicked my food well over a second before i took damage by corp and instead of eating my character decided to stand there and die


    happens to me while im pking as well.
