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Everything posted by Hope

  1. Forum Guide

    Nice and clean, done very well. good job
  2. Metu vid 4 haha yes also 50-100m giveaway

    Nice video, the song was an enjoyable throwback
  3. Buying PartyHats

    I believe @Storm may have a few
  4. My introduction

    Welcome, sir i do quite like your suggestions C:
  5. Max Cape Perks

    Nice suggestion, i completely support this idea, would be really nice and add some neat things
  6. 07 karhu Road to Max cape

    Good luck! but as stated it would be nicer if you could edit your first post so we could see all progress in one post instead of going all over the place in sort of a messy plus some people might miss some of your cool achievements that way!
  7. Apology to the Community

    Although it was reckless I do believe most deserve a second chance c: good luck on your appeal sir
  8. Another tradingpost suggestion

    Simple but so effective I completely support this

    Good luck fellas
  10. Include pet drop rate / bonus XP days

    This, would be great to be honest. little lamps would be great, I like the pet idea, im curious on the rates myself
  11. Raids 2 Guide

    Good way to get people abit of a tutorial cook mister :)
  12. Alpha Art GFX

    This is actually incredible work would love to figure something out potentially soon

    The commentary hyped it up so much more good video friend;p
  14. trading post

    Definitely a good idea, nice one
  15. List of suggestions / ideas

    I do support the majority of this list, few things. 1, slayer tasks can be increased by unlocking them @ the shop to get extended tasks which go to 80-100 2. Which i'll sum up short and sweet, your d defender / untradeable suggestions, although very nice suggesions, you need to remember the "main aspect" of this server ismore or less pk based, unfortunately new players who would rather just login to pk its a tad easier to just buy certain untradeables from the shop. REGARDLESS... your list is quite nice I do enjoy them
  16. Rob's Dust Devil Guide (50m+ BM / HR)

    good job, will definitely be help for new comers

    Nice video, had some ups and downs
  18. Corp Solo Guide (After Tbow Nerf)

    effective and informative, good job cookie
  19. High risk video 1B+ LOOT + GIVEAWAY

    guess you're alright good vid pumpkin
  20. XP lamps

    I could see this being promising i wouldn't mind seeing this in a QOL
  21. Travis
