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Posts posted by Gerq

  1. 35 minutes ago, John Gotti said:

    then u drop your flags and join them? simple make a empire 

    I wanna have fun not pick on people that just wanna make money.

    I Know its the wilderness but on rs you can hop worlds if you see a team, so david needs to do something so pvmers can do something like that

    Make it singles > less wilderness > and maybe other wilderness bosses that go on the same time so its harder for clans


    osrs has 100+ worlds you can hop from if u see pkers, here you will just get stacked by like 8-13 ppl and u are fked, no skill no fun.

  2. 1 hour ago, Taco Roll said:

    Funny fact is that if you tbow vorkath and do 6+ shots whit it and you get killed. How retarted is it that if vorkath dies the drop spawns underneath you at home. 

    We as #gambinos just play it smart. If there wil be more clans we have more competition and the other clans have more chance of getting loot.

    Wildy =wildernis What first was ment for strongest wil survive = no rules

    i truly hope if you participate at vorkath you skull. Make the loot more rewarding. And if vorkath dies make it top 10 players who did most damage can pick it up underneath where vorkath died.


    I agree with skulling after attacking but their is an issue

    Clans and timezones, leaving players unable to do shit.

    on runescape they have multiple servers so the effect of a big clan isn't major and cant camp a spot and defend it but on here if say 1 clan has 15 members on or 10 and they go to vorkath then its over, no world hoping its just over, you cant fight them, you dont stand a chance.


    In my opinion their already is an issue with the vorkath let alone adding skulls to the equation. This server is just clans, i understand its the wilderness but i kinda stopped playing because if you are not in a clan, you are basically not allowed to go anywhere besides edge.

  3. 8 hours ago, cokiemonsta said:

    The reason for minimum stakes, bets etc. are primarily to increase risk fighting which this is a pk server so it's important to increase that content.

    Also the main reason why people don't dice is that it gives an advantage to the host. Why would someone want to do 55x2 or blackjack when staking and flower poker is 50/50. 

    I’ve never seen anyone yell risk fighting 30m or 40m

    they would probably stake it so that point is invalid as they can still stake it


    dicing is dead cause it’s so complicated and requires the host to send a request 

    I was hosting for 30 minutes and found 8 betters 

    People do and would bet as dicing has always been in the rsps community and not to mention the game finishes fast

    they just need to work on adding some stuff.


    No dice bag animation and the player can not request to gamble, thats pretty big as it makes dicing stale.


    Imagine staking and there was no whip animation or dds animation and all you can see is the amount you hit. Yes it effects nothing in terms of if you will win or lose but it ruins the feeling.

  4. My suggestions to fix dicing, i know its not broken but clearly its not very player friendly 


    1. If say i have a dice bag and someone wants to vs me they should be able to right click me and click "request to dice" and then they can choose black jack/55x2 or dice duel if they have a dice bag.

    2. Remove the minimum bet, why is this here?. Its not a money sink, it LITERALLY, servers no purpose.

    3. add the roll animation, so basically the host will do the rolling of a dice bag animation and then the numbers pop up.


    number 1 suggestion is crucial, because right now players have to ask you to request it on them.

    Please @David add these, most people dont gamble(dice) and it could be cause of this, dicing is very fun and it seems like its not very easy as a player trying to bet 

  5. 8 hours ago, Bio said:

    i agree and disagree, if npcs were to be added i don't think they should drop all kinda of pk gear, possibly some. like some whips dbots furies, maybe a super rare item.

    Maybe adding a boss that spawns every 30 seconds or so and best drop is like a super mbox or leg mbox and there is only 1 of them: therefor only 1 kill every 40 seconds or so and the rare drop table wont be hit that much times making this not overpowered but not useless.

    8 hours ago, Rudra said:

    Shops with discounted prices on some items might be cool to see, perhaps seasonal items which could be purchased for blood money and rotate in and out of the shop.

    Other items like skilling outfits could also be sold there.

    sounds nice but what items we talking, since there isn't that much stuff thats good

  6. Honestly i know i made a post previously about pking and i might be wrong on some aspects on that thread but i know dh is op


    Everytime i vs someone i try to veng combo them but they just sit at 60 hp and still hit high (like around 60). <(you might be like, but if he hits then his hp drops, well you are right but then i hit 0 because dh has high defense)


    Now i may be wrong but shouldn't it be the lower hp the higher chance of hitting high, if im wrong ok, dw about it but im pretty sure its op af

    I hit 0s non stop and they can camp 55-70 hp and still hit high

  7. 17 hours ago, David said:

    What is your timezone? I was thinking about adding tournaments to one more timezone.


    16 hours ago, Rudra said:

    Support, his timezone is probably something along the lines of UTC+8/930

    About that UTC+10:00

  8. Right now all the events happen at around 4-5 am my time, which i understand is not peak but at least 1 event for bm would justify it or do some good.


    I can't stay up like some other plays until 4-5 am just to participate in an event


    So im suggesting adding like 1 or maybe more events for the Oceania players 

  9. 8 hours ago, zhustla said:

    The game is rng based what do u expect.....


    So you are saying armor doesn't matter, weapon of choice doesn't matter, nothing matters.

    Of course not, they do matter and help determine the result of your hits and i started a discussion as to is this game just rng and by that i mean does it have a combat system thats reliable rather than just hit and pray u hit high


    This isn't the duel arena, pking is suppose to be skill and yes a bit of rng but 90% skill 10% rng 

  10. 11 hours ago, Tiki said:

    This hurts my brain.

    the people like you give the rsps community a bad name. Its so simple, posted this in the discussion section, talking about the combat system and what do you think to reply with "This hurts my brain.". I never complaint, just opened up a discussion that you clearly don't wanna be involved in, so don't reply if you have nothing to say.

    11 hours ago, Absence said:

    I don't have the problem but maybe @David can look into it.

    This isn't a suggestion, just a discussion on pking but it seems like the players that play runewild are happy with what they have

  11. 1 hour ago, bio said:

    as stated it is an rng based game and keep in mind its a private server, not the official game so its not going to be perfect, real rs isn't even perfect.

    That’s no where near my point

    you are basically saying “it’s rng so what’s the point”


    which makes no no sense because the only thing I’ve noticed is that rng isn’t really in pking 


    Combat >

    my armour and my opponents armour should be taken into acount 

    The weapon used

    then the stats these things give

    attack of the weapon

    Defense of the armour your enemy is wearing


    and then you should get a % of if you will hit them the rng kicks in


    nope on this server its










    ah why not spec 20


    Ah why not spec 70


    Combat system has no consistency. 

    This server might be good for briding nhing but when you go to melee combat it’s dead broken


    please keep in mind this is all my opinion on this disccusion 

    38 minutes ago, baboboys said:

    this is the most stupid shit I read today

    And you replied why? Take the 1 post count and leave

  12. 24 minutes ago, 1tx said:

    Bro; it's an rng based game.. matter a fact; every game has rng somewhere and, its up to you to add skill into your game. That is what makes games fun bro; seeing how different everyone plays the game. You may be right about some things since it is not official osrs but just simply post in forums like you did and, wait for david. He'll either update the combat or, explain how it works etc.. P.s maybe your bad :*( :P joking and, I love the combat system as it is now; just dh is hard asf to get used too so i agree their.


    5 minutes ago, CHIRAQ MAXIM said:

    Dumbass lmfao

    I know its rng but its not completely as the owner has to make the stats etc


    consistency is my concern 

    my ags usually hits a 0 but sometimes a whip hits 20-40 non stop then hits 0s and we both hit 0s

    i know this is an issue as its not like this on 07 and im pretty sure the owner wants to make it like 07


    go pk on 07 and tell me you and your opponent both hit 0 5x and then spec 0 with ags 2x and then you die to your opponents whip because he kept hitting 40s and you couldn't even out eat it

    I know im not bad nor good but if i can't even do a combo because of consistency then there is a problem


    Seriously i have been in 150+ fights not 1 person has killed me with a combo or anything like that


    Im sorry but something is wrong, shit my friends wont even play because we were pking and i killed them because we had same gear and they couldn't hit shit for 3 fights and i could, that should explain a lot.

  13. Ive been pking for a decent amount of time and one thing i've noticed is the pking system is like 90% rng or at least it is in trying to do something that involves skill


    Example: one of my fights my ags hit 2 0s and the persons whip hit 43 twice and a 46, ok thats just one fight but trust me this happens every fight for me and when it goes in my favor i notice it and feel bad for the person i am vsing cause they dont stand a chance.

    Same thing for dh, why are people allowed to stay on 60hp and still hit 60-70? thats unfair and makes no sense.

    This isn't the duel arena skill should be involved, if i always teleport away from my fights ill barely have any kills or deaths, i just stick around to the end to not get bored.

    and the speed of weapons are weird not sure if its just me or this is how its suppose to be, but ags vs dh axe and dh axe hits first, once again not sure if its meant to be like this.


    Is this just me or is this happening to any of you?



    This is just a discussion about pking, because i see a decent amount of people complaining about this and it happens to me too.

  14. 1. Mystery box items and rate

    Why have 3 mystery boxes with the same loot but different %

    It makes mystery boxes and super mystery boxes less wanted, just change the items and make all the boxes more unique. I don't have a list of items to change it but i don't understand why 3 mboxes same items different rate, i'd understand if there was 2 mboxes and the super mbox gave better items and higher %.

    I feel like that one is self explanatory as you never see anyone buying a normal mbox


    2. Bank pin

    If you have a bank pin and its not entered, why are you allowed to trade/stake/drop/use loadouts.

    Please block those things until the pin has been entered, you can add ::enterpin so its faster. People can literally use other peoples bank if they get hacked by using their loadouts if they have any good items there.

  15. 1 hour ago, bio said:

    eh, i don't know if i agree with this.  feel like it would increase everyone bringing dps weapons even more than its literally impossible for new players to get a drop

    so you would rather have it rng rather than actually doing damage and putting in the work


    support. it should be damage, if you do half the damage and get nothing thats a joke.

  16. 1 hour ago, B said:

    I love the idea mate, but like Rudra has said - it would require a lot of time and effort, which again as Rudra said, David has to use wisely as he's on his own.

    When 07 came out didn't they have a trading post in city banks where people could buy and sell things, or was it just sell? It was slower but it was more community based, you'd know who sold what and who bought your stuff.

    To be honest if he Actually is by himself I see that as a problem 

    one person can’t really update the server and pump out content like the other top servers


    tbh he should at least add the recent items added seems easy and would make the trading post look nice

  17. On 6/20/2018 at 7:17 AM, Virtus said:

    In fact, I think that's the opposite that will happen. I do not want to use a forum where I see many toys flashing. This is precisely what separates us from all the other custom servers that have this. It looks just ugly and uncomfortable to my eyes.

    I agree that we may need more topics such as Achievements & Goals, Memes etc.

    Wha? huh?

    I have not seen this on any of the top 10 servers


    IT does not make this server a custom server,

    I feel like it just gives a sense of reward to someone that has been on the forums for a long time and is active and these ranks show others that this person has been active for a long time.

    Example: Rune-server if you see someone on that website with one of the high post count emblems, you would instantly know that person has been around for a while.


    I want it added but dont care if its not.

  18. 17 hours ago, Rudra said:

    I mean, the main negative that strikes me would be how many more people would be PvMing if they could instantly teleport to the boss.

    The more people bossing, the more drops, the more items crash.

    I must disagree with this


    Literally, like literally the only reason people aren't getting that much drops is because of lack of knowledge


    I don't get why people cant just teleport to them, You literally get teleported near the boss, so everyones excuses "pkers will kill pvmers more often" "this will make pvming easy"


    IT literally does nothing but help new players actually know their is bosses on this server

    no clue why it was made like this, this is a spawn server, stuff is meant to be fast and fast gameplay

  19. 8 hours ago, elmo said:

    1. True, but it's a spawn/eco driven server and it's been this way since rspspk and loco-pk (the old name of the server)
    2. True but that doesn't mean that they should be spawn able.
    3. That might be the way you feel but I’ve seen plenty of them.
    4. This server rewards players that play the game, so go figure.
    5. Quote: " I also suggest this because a different pk spawn server I played had these items as spawn "

    --> Not to sound rude but if you liked that server so much why don't you just go back and play that one? I’ll tel you why because I happen to know the server you are talking about:

    1. it's boring
    2. the eco of the game (if it even has one) is in shambles thus making it boring, resulting in a dead rsps
    3. It's full of raggers and toxic people because getting good gear takes literally 0 skill and effort only attracting people looking for a quick thrill r and have no intent on staying there very long on the server, which is a bad thing for a server.

    If you truly think that making all these things spawn able is a good idea you only are looking out for yourself and not thinking about the future of the server. The owner wants to keep this server alive for as long as possible. One does not simply keep people interested with just pking content. Pvming and grinding for items makes it just as fun to be able to use them in battles.

    Eventually pures will come to this server and people will start buying all these items you talked about to do combos with them and then it will serve as a perfect money sink.  I understand that it might seem dead content now, but this is not a good idea for obvious reasons. (apart for the d2h that truly is dead content.)

    Ps. tone it down on the spaces between the sentences it’s getting a bit crazy.

    The server I played has dh spawnable and was like runewild eco/spawn and had a really good eco. the zgs bgs and sgs were spawnable even the ags was at once. the server peaked at 600 players and this was when ikov was around. server was up for 3-4 years. So this suggestion won’t effect anything and new players love it


    as for pures using a sgs bgs or zgs.... why? It’s not like they will pick them over an ags, they would put themselves at a disadvantage 

    Sgs zgs and bgs realitsticly serve no purpose as an item to buy, if you play this server for 5 hours you will have enough for an ags, who in the right mind is choosing Those godswords over an ags 

    Trust me it won’t be op, it’s skill not gear. The server I played had all this shit spawnable and it had divine and people still couldn’t tank why? Cause they noobs

    gear is one thing but you need skill to match it. You can’t just wear Torags and then become a tank god

  20. 16 minutes ago, Conditions said:


    Most of this is PVM related stuff so lets not make em spawnable



    1 hour ago, Rum said:

    No to this, some of these items you stated are used for pvming and as @elmo said it's another way to sink money.


    1 hour ago, elmo said:

    FUCK NO !!!!

    those items are there to act as a money sink it keeps the eco clean even if only a few players buy those items.
    Besides, the multi events such as vorkath and chest etc. would turn into a shit storm of zgs and bgs, and barrows gear no one would be able to tank in deep wild. All in all people just wouldn't risk anymore because believe it or not but sgs, ss, bgs and zgs at times combined with barrows items are actually good and why would you risk if you can go with no risk and do the same dps.

    Besides making money on this server is pretty easy, if you legit can't make the effort of pvming for 1hr which rougly gets you about 30m this server probably isn't for you.


    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor fuck no

    1. This server is pk based and revolves around it being spawn

    2. Bgs sgs and zgs are never used and you buy them with pk points which would be stupid to use them on these items

    3. I have never seen a zgs or sgs in pvp I’ve seen bgs once and i have 5 hours played just pking

    4. I stated average player that just wanna go on and pk, since that’s of the things this server offers but you only get a dds or temporary ags or claws


    Don’t even get me started on karils torag and veracs 

    saradomin sword gets thrown away cause it’s obsolete 


    but new players would use these dead items and have fun 


    either buff the sgs bgs and zgs or make them spawn able cause no one uses them


    i can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a zgs being used in pking let alone on this server


    i only suggested unused items that serve no purpose and are dead content because are not worth buying 


    I also suggest this because a different pk spawn server I played had these items as spawn 

    these items weren’t used much but gave the option and made it more fun for those who didn’t use it



    not to mention as you said it takes 1 hour of pvming to get 30m so you are gonna save up for an ags and won’t think about buying a bgs zgs or sgs and that’s my point proven 

  21. The only i suggest this is because it works and has worked on other servers that were number 1 at some point


    items that i suggest should be spawnable and then ill give my reasons






    saradomin sword




    Dharoks > I know this one is debatable but you can poll this one i guess


    Now all these items above are useful but not worth buying, whip why would anyone buy the whip other than to make it a tentacle to stake, just increase the price of tentacle 

    d2h sgs zgs bgs, items that are considered junk on here, no one cares about them they only care about ags, so why not make them spawnable.


    If im a new player and joined this server to pk, i would quit pretty quick, all you can use is a dds dragon mace and the temporary item you pick





    now dharoks thats debatable but veracs karils torags.....

    who is buying veracs or torags

    just make them spawnable so your average player can just jump on and use these items to pk


    this suggestion isn't crazy because all the items i suggested are basically not used, i am yet to fight someone with a zgs bgs or sgs.

    Im only suggesting this because its how it should be and because i've seen servers grow because of this

    Seriously who is spending 25k pk points on sgs bgs or zgs, no one and if they do no one will buy it off them, shit you probably cant even stake it cause no one will take it.
